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[EDUCATION]. L'orateur recueil de pieces choisies et de morceaux frappans tires des meilleurs auteurs Francois. Ouvrage instructif pour les personnes qui apprennent le Francois, et amusant pour ceux qui le savant.

A Londres [i.e. London]. De L'Imprimerie de T. Spilsbury, 1792. Third edition.
12mo. [4], 420pp. With a subscriber's list of a mere 20 persons, some representing London schools at Walthamstow, Sloane Street, Kensington, and Harley Street. Contemporary calf, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, with some slight surface loss, corners bumped. Marbled endpapers, ink ownership inscription to verso of FFEP of 'Caroline Bettesworth / June 1799.', a clean and crisp copy.
A London printed French educational collection of prose and verse from the most esteemed French authors, including Buffon and Voltaire, designed to assist those learning the language.

The first edition was undated, a second followed in 1785 - all are rare. The limited subscriptions of this third and final eighteenth-century edition, several of multiple copies by educational establishments, suggest that this was produced as a textbook in very limited numbers. ESTC records only a single copy of this third edition (Trinity College). OCLC adds a second, at the Morris Library.
c/f ESTC T180813.
£ 300.00 Antiquates Ref: 14174