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TOCQUOT, J. F.. The royal pocket dictionary, french and english, and english and french; containing the signification of words in all their different acceptations; the terms of arts, sciences, and trades. The whole extracted from the best writers french and english...

London. Printed [by T. Curson] for Jos. Johnson et al., 1808. New edition.
8vo. [4], viii, [524]pp. With a French title on the verso of the initial leaf. Contemporary panelled burgundy straight-grain morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, A.E.G. A trifle rubbed. Slight shaving to lower margins of leaves K3-6 and L3-6, else internally clean and crisp.
An attractive copy of a French/English dictionary compiled by linguist and educational writer J. F. Tocquot, first printed 1795.
£ 200.00 Antiquates Ref: 16971