Cyril, a poem in four cantos, and minor poems.
John Cross, 1834.
First edition.
vi, [2], 112pp. Original publisher's dark green cloth, remnants of printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Rubbed, corners exposed. Scattered spotting.
The sole edition of the only published work of Leeds-based minor poet George Wilson. As Wilson states in his prefatory remarks, living in penury and unable to finance the completion of his medical studies, he has 'followed the example of the author of Rasselas, and written a book merely for the sake of obtaining a little gold'. As Charles Forshaw states in Yorshire Poets Past and Present (Vol. IV, 1891, p.): 'Evidently the volume of "Poems" served the author's purpose for in 1837 he obtained the Licence of the Apothecaries' Hall, and the following year he was made a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons'.
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref: 16973