Moderation a Vertue: or, a vindication of the Principles and Practices of the Moderate Divines and Laity of the Church of England...
Printed for Jonathan Robinson, 1683.
First ediiton.
[8], 80pp. Disbound. Title very nearly detached, lightly dust-soiled, small hole to margin of leaf I2.
The sole edition of an anonymous apologetic monograph on traditional views of moderation, that is, the possession of a submissive and uncontentious disposition and an ardent devotion to Christian unity. As the author states, the moderate man 'is neither fond of needless Ritualities, nor yet molested with groudless Scruples, neither worships Images nor Imaginations, but submits to the Customs of the Country, tho not to the Iniquities of the Times...And is more concerned to prove himself a good Christian than to prove who is Antichrist'.
ESTC R11763, Wing M2331B.
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref: 17496