Logicae artis compendium.
Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford].
Excudebant Johannes Lichfield & Jacobus Short, 1618.
Second edition.
[8], 232, 124pp, [4]. With penultimate errata leaf; final leaf blank. Bound by Bellamy of Oxford in nineteenth century calf, tooled in gilt and blind. Rubbed, joints starting. Early ownership inscription of Robert Cranmer to head of title page. Binders ticket to recto of FFEP, inked gift inscription to verso: 'From J. Kidd / To his valued friend / the Revd. J. W. Burgon'. Kidd's calling card tipped-in to front pastedown, with pencilled note, again address to Burgon. A.L.S., dated 1851, in Kidd's hand tipped-in to recto of FFEP: 'My dear Burgon, Exceedingly gratified by your request of yesterday, I answer it by begging your acceptance of the accompanying little book; on which I have been accustomed to set a perhaps fanciful value, under the impression that the autograph at the top of the title-page may be that of a descendant of ABp. Cranmer. However that may be, you have given me reason to believe you will set some value on it as containing also the autograph of your most sincere friend, J. Kidd'.
The revised edition, printed three years after the first, of Robert Sanderson's (1587-1663) influential textbook of logic, which remained the standard Oxford reference on the subject throughout the seventeenth century.
John William Burgon (1813-1888), Dean of Chichester and biblical scholar.
John Kidd (1775-1851), physician and geologist, sometime Regius Professor of Medicine and Radcliffe librarian at Oxford.
John William Burgon (1813-1888), Dean of Chichester and biblical scholar.
John Kidd (1775-1851), physician and geologist, sometime Regius Professor of Medicine and Radcliffe librarian at Oxford.
ESTC S116466, STC 21702.
£ 950.00
Antiquates Ref: 19106