An evening's love: or, the Mock-Astrologer. As it is Acted By Their Majesties servants.
Printed for Henry Herringman, 1691.
[16], 63pp, [1]. Later two-tone paper boards. Extremities a trifle marked. Leaves toned.
An Evening's Love, a comedy in prose, by playwright John Dryden (1631-1700) was first performed before Charles II on the 12th June 1668. Diarist Samuel Pepys attended on the June 20th of that same year and found it lacking in merit, styling it as being 'very smutty'. Sources for the work include Thomas Corneille's comedy Le Feint Astrologue, Madeleine de Scuderyss novel Ibrahim, ou l'Illustre Bassa, and Calderon's El Astrologo fingido. The present copy is the fourth printing by prominent London bookseller Henry Herringman who had published the original edition in 1671.
ESTC R15472, Wing D2276.
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref: 19211