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[CRICKET]. D'URFEY, Thomas. The Richmond Heiress: or, a Woman Once in the Right . A comedy, acted At the theatre royal, By Their Majesties Servants.

London. Printed for Samuel Briscoe, 1693. First edition.
Quarto. [8], 32, 29-36, 41-64pp. Complete despite erratic pagination. Variant setting, the title page has 'Royal' spelled correctly and 'by Mr. D'Urfey', the line beneath the author statement is unbroken, the stage direction reads to leaf H4v reads 'Cunnington'. Recent calf-backed, tan cloth boards, lettered in gilt. Light shelf-wear. Leaves toned, small burn-hole to leaf C2, short tear to leaf F3 (touching text without loss), occasional paper repairs/loss to margins, short tear to leaf F3, inked numerals to upper corners of odd numbered pages. Recent bookplate of A. E. Winder to FEP.
The first edition of English playwright Thomas D'Urfey's (1653?-1723) comedy, The Richmond Heiress, a sequel to his popular The Marriage-Hater Match'd (London, 1692). It features, in the 'Shrinken's Song to the Harp' performed in Act 4, an early printed reference to Cricket: 'Hur was the prettiest Fellows, trum, trum, &c/At Bandy once and Cricket, trum &c/At Hunting-Chace, or light foot Race/Gadsplut, how her could Prick it: trum, &c.'.

From the cricketing library of Tony Winder, much of which was acquired directly from the cricketing journalist and commentator John Arlott in 1979. The Winder collection was sold at auction (by Phillips) in 1985, after the owner's bankruptcy.
ESTC R28598, Wing D2769.
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref: 19458