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GENLIS, [Stéphanie Félicité], Madame de. Mademoiselle de clermont. L'Apostasie, ou la dévote. Le château de kolméras. Le journaliste.

Londres [i.e. London]. Chez Deboffe, 1802.
8vo. [2], 275pp, [1]. Contemporary marbled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Lightly rubbed. Foxed.
An early London printing (appearing in the same year as the first Parisian edition) of Stéphanie Félicité, Comtesse de Genlis' (1746-1830) fictionalised account of the final days of Marie-Anne de Bourbon-Conde mademoiselle de Clermont (1697-1741), Surintendante de la Maison de la Reine to Marie Leszczyńska, wife of Louis XV; together with three of her other less well-known short stories. In the same year, publisher Deboffe re-issued the present book as the first of six volumes of stories by Genlis under the general title Nouveaux romans.
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 19586