Odds and ends, or, a groat's-worth of fun for a penny. Being a collection of the best Jokes, Comic Stories, Anecdotes, Bon Mots, &c.
[s.i., Glasgow?].
Printed for the booksellers, [s.d., c.1830-50]
24pp. Single uncut folded sheet. A trifle marked, dust-soiled, and creased.
A penny chapbook, in original unopened state, of a selection of comical anecdotes, predominantly Caledonian in theme and setting. The work was reissued in 1877 as a part of John Cheap the chapman's library: the Scottish chap literature of last century classified.
COPAC records copies at four locations (BL, Cambridge, Glasgow, and NLS); OCLC adds five further (Birmingham, Delaware, Florida, Georgetown, and Washington).
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref: 20988
COPAC records copies at four locations (BL, Cambridge, Glasgow, and NLS); OCLC adds five further (Birmingham, Delaware, Florida, Georgetown, and Washington).