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[HALLYWELL, Henry]. RUST, George. The remains of that Reverend and learned Prelate Dr. George Rust, Late Lord Bishop of Dromore, in the Kingdom of Ireland. Collected and Published By Henry Hallywell.

London. Printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby, 1686. First edition.
Quarto. [16], 64, 73-80pp. Text continuous despite pagination. Recent blind-ruled calf. Lightly rubbed and sunned. Leaves toned, minute marginal wormtrack. Book-label of John Stephens to FEP.
The first edition of a posthumously published collection of sermons and discourses composed by Church of Ireland Bishop of Dromore George Rust (c.1628-1670) in the 1650s. The selection was edited by Anglican clergyman Henry Hallywell (c.1641-1703), who had been a student of Rust's at Christ's. In 1683, Hallywell had edited, translated, and annotated his former tutor's A Discourse of the Use of Reason in Matters of Religion. Rust's writings are evidently greatly influenced by his philosophical views. As a Cambridge Platonist, he consistently defended the use of reason in religion, emphasising God's essential justice and rationality, whilst strenuously opposing atheism, enthusiasm, and deism.
ESTC R22759, Wing R2366.
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref: 21086