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[SCOTTISH CHAPBOOK]. Three Famous New Songs called Effects of Whisky. The Valley Below. Larry O'Gaff.

Paisley. Printed by and for G. Galdwell, Jun., [s.d., c.1825]
8vo. 8pp. Woodcut illustration to title page. Single sheet, printed on both sides, folded and unopened as issued. A trifle creased, toned, and dust-soiled.
A Paisley printed chapbook, in original state, comprised of three popular late Georgian songs, partially composed in Scots dialect, and including an amusing nine verse ballad celebrating the benefits, and indeed detriments, of drinking whiskey: 'Whiskey secrets ne'er can keep, / Whiskey aften tells the truth, / Whiskey is a friend o'sleep, / Whiskey maks a grey hair'd youth'.
£ 100.00 Antiquates Ref: 21099