Caius suetonius tranquillus Cum Annotationibus diversorum.
Oxonii [i.e. Oxford].
Typis G. Hall pro R. Blagrave, 1661.
369pp, [13]. Contemporary blind-ruled sheep. Heavily worn, loss and worming to spine, upper board detached. Inked ownership inscription (dated 1793) of Church of Scotland minister and historian William Robertson (1721-1793) to recto of FEP, early ownership inscription to head of title, occasional light spotting.
A reprint of the 1650 Amsterdam edition, published by Elzevier, with the addition of Juvenal, Persius, and Lucan to a section at the end containing the lives of Latin authors from the De viris illustribus. As noted by Madan, it is considered possible that the English editor was John Fell (1625-1686).
ESTC records copies at five locations in the British Isles (BL, Leeds, NLW, Oxford, and Wells Cathedral), and a further five in North America (Folger, Georgetown, Illinois, Washington State, and Yale).
ESTC records copies at five locations in the British Isles (BL, Leeds, NLW, Oxford, and Wells Cathedral), and a further five in North America (Folger, Georgetown, Illinois, Washington State, and Yale).
ESTC R43560, Wing S6144.
£ 450.00
Antiquates Ref: 22132