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NORRIS, John. Treatises upon Several Subjects, Formerly Printed singly, Now Collected into One Volume.

London. Printed for S. Manship, 1697. First edition.
8vo. [16], 448, 443-506pp. Each treatise has a separate divisional title page. Contemporary panelled calf boards, recently rebacked, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Boards heavily rubbed. Armorial bookplate of Richard Banner to FEP, occasional spotting.
The first edition of a collection of previously published devotional tracts by Church of England clergyman and philosopher John Norris (1657-1712). A Platonist, and a prominent disciple of Malebranche, Norris was a noted opponent of Locke and critic of philosophical writings.
ESTC R32226, Wing N1274.
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 22201