A letter To Mr. G. Giving a True Account of a Late Conference At the D. of P..
Printed for H. Mortlock, 1687.
First edition.
8pp. ESTC R7652, Wing S5602.
[Bound with:] [STILLINGFLEET, Edward]. [Drop-head title:] A letter Desiring Information of the conference At the D. of P. mention'd in the Letter of Mr. G. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 4pp. ESTC R23541, Wing M1781.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A letter To Dr. E. S. concerning His late Letter to Mr. G. and the Account he gives in it of a Conference between Mr. G. and himself. From one who was present at the Conference. London. Printed by Henry Hills, 1687. First edition. [2], 36pp. ESTC R15938, Wing M1782.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A second letter To Mr. G. In answer to two letters Lately Published concerning The Conference At the D. of P. London. Printed for H. Mortlocke, 1687. First edition. 44pp. ESTC R14280, Wing S5635.
[And:] [SERGEANT, John]. A letter To the D. of P. in answer to the Arguing Part of his first letter To Mr. G. London. Printed by Henry Hills, 1687. First edition. 36pp. ESTC R8628, Wing S2577.
[And:] [ELLIS, Clement]. A letter to a friend, Reflecting some Passages in A Letter to the D. of P. in answer to the Arguing Part of his first letter To Mr. G. London. Printed for William Rogers, 1687. First edition. [4], 31pp, [1]. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R18718, Wing E565.
[And:] [SERGEANT, John]. The Second Catholick Letter; or, reflections on the Reflecters Defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's First Letter to Mr. G. Against the answer To the Arguing Part of it. London. Printed, and sold by Matthew Turner, 1687. First edition. [4], 80pp. ESTC R10072, Wing S2592.
[And:] S[ergeant], J[ohn]. The third Catholick Letter in answer To the Arguing Part of Doctor Stillingfleet's second letter To Mr. G. London. Printed, and sold by Matthew Turner, 1687. First edition. 104pp. ESTC R33867, Wing S2597.
[And:] STILLINGFLEET, Edw. A discourse Concerning the Nature and Grounds of the certainty of faith, in answerTo J. S. his Catholick Letters. London. Printed for Henry Mortlock, 1688. First edition. [8], 116pp, [4]. Initial leaf bears half-title on recto and imprimatur on verso. With a penultimate leaf of publisher's advertisements and a terminal blank leaf. ESTC R14787, Wing S5582.
[And:] [PULTON, Andrew]. A True and Full account of a conference held about religion, between Dr. Tenison and A. Pulton One of the Masters in the savoy. London. Printed by Nathaniel Thompson, 1687. [4], 18pp. A reissue, with cancel title page. ESTC R205100, Wing P4209A.
[And:] [TENISON, Thomas]. A true account of a conference Held about religion at london, Septemb. 29. 1687. Between a. pulton, Jesuit, and tho. tenison, d. d. As also of that which led to it, and followed after it. London. Printed for Ric. Chiswell, 1687. Fourth edition, corrected. [8], 83pp, [1]. ESTC R4742, Wing T725.
[And:] PULTON, A[ndrew]. Remarks of a. pulton master in the savoy, upon Dr Tho. Tenison's late narrative; With a Confutation of the Doctors Rule of Faith, and a reply to A. Chresners pretended Vindication. London. Printed by Nathaniel Thompson, 1687. First edition. [10], 42pp. ESTC R5578, Wing P4207.
[And:] CHRESNER, A. The vindication of A. Cressener, School-Master in Long-Acre, From the Aspersions of a. pulton, Jesuit and School-Master in the Savoy; Together With some Account of His Discourse with Mr. Meredith. London. Printed for Ric. Chiswell, 1687. First edition. [2], 14pp. ESTC R32374, Wing C6885A.
[And:] WARD, Thomas. Monomachia: or a duel between Dr. Tho. Tenison Pastor of St. martins, and a Roman Catholick Souldier... London. Printed for the Author, 1687. First edition. [8], 48pp. ESTC R8225, Wing W834.
[And:] WARD, T[homas]. [Drop-head title:] The Roman Catholick Souldier's letter to Dr. Tho. Tenison. [London]. [s.n.], [1688]. First edition. 2pp. Single sheet printed on both side. ESTC R13893, Wing W835.
[And:] [TENISON Thomas]. An answer to the letter of the Roman Catholick Souldier, [As he calls Himself.] In a letter from C.D. to A.B. The examiner of his speculum... London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1688. First edition. [2], 10pp. ESTC R18438, Wing T687.
[And:] TENISON, Tho. Mr. Pulton Consider'd In his Sincerity, Reasonings, Authorities. Or a just answer To what he hath hitherto published in His True Account... London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1687. First edition. [12], 104pp. Initial leaf bears half-title on recto and imprimatur on verso. ESTC R241, Wing T703.
[And:] [LAMB, Catherine]. A Full discovery of the False Evidence Produc'd by the papists Against the most Reverend and Learned Dr. Tho. Tenison. London. Printed for John and Thomas Lane, 1688. First edition. 8pp. ESTC R18424, Wing L205C.
[And:] [LA PLACETTE, Jean]. Six conferences concerning The Eucharist. Wherein is shewed, That the Doctrine of Transubstantiation overthrows the Proofs of Christian Religion. London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1687. First edition. 120pp, [4]. With a half-title and a leaf of publisher's advertisements misbounbd at rear. ESTC R5182, Wing L430.
[And:] A Full Answer to Dr. Tenisons Conferences, concerning the eucharist. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. [2]pp. Single sheet printed on both sides. ESTC R11371, Wing F2341.
[And:] [TENSION, Thomas]. Of Transubstantiation: or, a reply to a late paper, call'd, A Full Answer to Dr. Tenison's Conferences concerning the Eucharist. [London]. {printed for Ric. Chiswell], [1688]. [2]pp. Single sheet printed on both sides. ESTC R18601, Wing T706.
[And:] [DARRELL, William]. [Drop-head title:] A letter To the author of the Reply to a late Paper called A full answer to Dr. Tension's Conferences concerning the eucharist. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 8pp. ESTC R34421, Wing D268.
Quarto. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled calf. Heavily rubbed, head and foot of spine worn, corners exposed. Lettering-piece chipped and detached. Small hole to head of leaf D3 of fourth mentioned work, touching text with slight loss of sense, loss to upper corners of leaves A3-4 of eighth mentioned work, very occasional light spotting.
[Bound with:] [STILLINGFLEET, Edward]. [Drop-head title:] A letter Desiring Information of the conference At the D. of P. mention'd in the Letter of Mr. G. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 4pp. ESTC R23541, Wing M1781.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A letter To Dr. E. S. concerning His late Letter to Mr. G. and the Account he gives in it of a Conference between Mr. G. and himself. From one who was present at the Conference. London. Printed by Henry Hills, 1687. First edition. [2], 36pp. ESTC R15938, Wing M1782.
[And:] [MEREDITH, Edward]. A second letter To Mr. G. In answer to two letters Lately Published concerning The Conference At the D. of P. London. Printed for H. Mortlocke, 1687. First edition. 44pp. ESTC R14280, Wing S5635.
[And:] [SERGEANT, John]. A letter To the D. of P. in answer to the Arguing Part of his first letter To Mr. G. London. Printed by Henry Hills, 1687. First edition. 36pp. ESTC R8628, Wing S2577.
[And:] [ELLIS, Clement]. A letter to a friend, Reflecting some Passages in A Letter to the D. of P. in answer to the Arguing Part of his first letter To Mr. G. London. Printed for William Rogers, 1687. First edition. [4], 31pp, [1]. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R18718, Wing E565.
[And:] [SERGEANT, John]. The Second Catholick Letter; or, reflections on the Reflecters Defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's First Letter to Mr. G. Against the answer To the Arguing Part of it. London. Printed, and sold by Matthew Turner, 1687. First edition. [4], 80pp. ESTC R10072, Wing S2592.
[And:] S[ergeant], J[ohn]. The third Catholick Letter in answer To the Arguing Part of Doctor Stillingfleet's second letter To Mr. G. London. Printed, and sold by Matthew Turner, 1687. First edition. 104pp. ESTC R33867, Wing S2597.
[And:] STILLINGFLEET, Edw. A discourse Concerning the Nature and Grounds of the certainty of faith, in answerTo J. S. his Catholick Letters. London. Printed for Henry Mortlock, 1688. First edition. [8], 116pp, [4]. Initial leaf bears half-title on recto and imprimatur on verso. With a penultimate leaf of publisher's advertisements and a terminal blank leaf. ESTC R14787, Wing S5582.
[And:] [PULTON, Andrew]. A True and Full account of a conference held about religion, between Dr. Tenison and A. Pulton One of the Masters in the savoy. London. Printed by Nathaniel Thompson, 1687. [4], 18pp. A reissue, with cancel title page. ESTC R205100, Wing P4209A.
[And:] [TENISON, Thomas]. A true account of a conference Held about religion at london, Septemb. 29. 1687. Between a. pulton, Jesuit, and tho. tenison, d. d. As also of that which led to it, and followed after it. London. Printed for Ric. Chiswell, 1687. Fourth edition, corrected. [8], 83pp, [1]. ESTC R4742, Wing T725.
[And:] PULTON, A[ndrew]. Remarks of a. pulton master in the savoy, upon Dr Tho. Tenison's late narrative; With a Confutation of the Doctors Rule of Faith, and a reply to A. Chresners pretended Vindication. London. Printed by Nathaniel Thompson, 1687. First edition. [10], 42pp. ESTC R5578, Wing P4207.
[And:] CHRESNER, A. The vindication of A. Cressener, School-Master in Long-Acre, From the Aspersions of a. pulton, Jesuit and School-Master in the Savoy; Together With some Account of His Discourse with Mr. Meredith. London. Printed for Ric. Chiswell, 1687. First edition. [2], 14pp. ESTC R32374, Wing C6885A.
[And:] WARD, Thomas. Monomachia: or a duel between Dr. Tho. Tenison Pastor of St. martins, and a Roman Catholick Souldier... London. Printed for the Author, 1687. First edition. [8], 48pp. ESTC R8225, Wing W834.
[And:] WARD, T[homas]. [Drop-head title:] The Roman Catholick Souldier's letter to Dr. Tho. Tenison. [London]. [s.n.], [1688]. First edition. 2pp. Single sheet printed on both side. ESTC R13893, Wing W835.
[And:] [TENISON Thomas]. An answer to the letter of the Roman Catholick Souldier, [As he calls Himself.] In a letter from C.D. to A.B. The examiner of his speculum... London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1688. First edition. [2], 10pp. ESTC R18438, Wing T687.
[And:] TENISON, Tho. Mr. Pulton Consider'd In his Sincerity, Reasonings, Authorities. Or a just answer To what he hath hitherto published in His True Account... London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1687. First edition. [12], 104pp. Initial leaf bears half-title on recto and imprimatur on verso. ESTC R241, Wing T703.
[And:] [LAMB, Catherine]. A Full discovery of the False Evidence Produc'd by the papists Against the most Reverend and Learned Dr. Tho. Tenison. London. Printed for John and Thomas Lane, 1688. First edition. 8pp. ESTC R18424, Wing L205C.
[And:] [LA PLACETTE, Jean]. Six conferences concerning The Eucharist. Wherein is shewed, That the Doctrine of Transubstantiation overthrows the Proofs of Christian Religion. London. Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1687. First edition. 120pp, [4]. With a half-title and a leaf of publisher's advertisements misbounbd at rear. ESTC R5182, Wing L430.
[And:] A Full Answer to Dr. Tenisons Conferences, concerning the eucharist. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. [2]pp. Single sheet printed on both sides. ESTC R11371, Wing F2341.
[And:] [TENSION, Thomas]. Of Transubstantiation: or, a reply to a late paper, call'd, A Full Answer to Dr. Tenison's Conferences concerning the Eucharist. [London]. {printed for Ric. Chiswell], [1688]. [2]pp. Single sheet printed on both sides. ESTC R18601, Wing T706.
[And:] [DARRELL, William]. [Drop-head title:] A letter To the author of the Reply to a late Paper called A full answer to Dr. Tension's Conferences concerning the eucharist. [London]. [Printed by Henry Hills], [1687]. First edition. 8pp. ESTC R34421, Wing D268.
Quarto. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled calf. Heavily rubbed, head and foot of spine worn, corners exposed. Lettering-piece chipped and detached. Small hole to head of leaf D3 of fourth mentioned work, touching text with slight loss of sense, loss to upper corners of leaves A3-4 of eighth mentioned work, very occasional light spotting.
A coherent sammelband of twenty-two pamphlets - all printed within the span of two-years - relating to controversial religious conferences, the majority concerning impassioned discourses on the eucharist and transubstantiation.
On 29th September, 1687, a debate on the foundations of Anglican faith was held at the Savoy between Jesuit Andrew Pulton [Poulton] (1654- 1710) and rector of St Martin-in-the-Fields (and later archbishop of Canterbury) Thomas Tenison (1636-1715). The former had never intended to issue an account of the event however his hand was forced when Tenison published his own description which, unsurprisingly, was both biased in his favour and excoriating towards Pulton. A vehement pamphlet war ensued, with leading commentators on each side wading in with increasingly personal attacks towards both actors.
£ 950.00
Antiquates Ref: 22518
On 29th September, 1687, a debate on the foundations of Anglican faith was held at the Savoy between Jesuit Andrew Pulton [Poulton] (1654- 1710) and rector of St Martin-in-the-Fields (and later archbishop of Canterbury) Thomas Tenison (1636-1715). The former had never intended to issue an account of the event however his hand was forced when Tenison published his own description which, unsurprisingly, was both biased in his favour and excoriating towards Pulton. A vehement pamphlet war ensued, with leading commentators on each side wading in with increasingly personal attacks towards both actors.