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[MOULIN, Lewis du]. Jugulum causae, seu nova, unica, compendiaria, & una propemodum periodo comprehensa, ratio: per quam totus doctrinarum Romanensium complexus, de quibus lis est inter Protestantes & pontificios, & unĂ  papa, ejusque imperium, funditus evertuntur.

[s.i.]. Juxta exemplar Londinense, 1671. First edition.
8vo. 317, [39], 396pp, [2]. In two parts, 'Jugulum cauae, seu nova & expeditissima ratio', has a separate dated title page and separate pagination. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind. Extremities worn, joints split. Very small hole to title page, later armorial bookplate of Algernon Capell to verso.
A rare survival of the first edition of an impassioned anti-Catholic treatise by physician and religious controversialist Lewis Du Moulin (1605?-1680). In 1668, Du Moulin had published Papa ultrajectinus, a direct attack on Dutch Calvinist theologian Gisbertus Voetius's Politica ecclesiastica, which rejected the Dutchman's claims for the political power of the Catholic church and accused him of supporting a Papist strategy aimed at acquiring further state control. In the present work Du Moulin reiterated his arguments and further dismissed divinely appointed pastoral power. An incensed Voetius was finally provoked into furious reply in his Disputatio theologica de regimine ecclesiatico (1676). Jugulum causae is introduced with no fewer than seventy separate epistles, addressed, among others, to a dozen peers favourable to Dissent and to leading ejected ministers, including his long-term friend Richard Baxter (1615-1691). The letter that accompanied the copy presented to Baxter by Du Moulin is preserved in Dr. Williams's Library.

Algernon Capell, Second Earl of Essex (1670-1710), Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King William III (1691-1702) and Colonel of the 4th Dragoons (1693-1710).

ESTC records copies at seven locations in the British Isles (Cambridge, Edinburgh, Innerpeffray, Inverness Public Library, Oxford, NT, and Thomas Plume's Library); and a further five worldwide (Berlin State, California, Folger, Huntington, and Princeton).
ESTC R33647, Wing D2541.
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 23978