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HOMES, Nath. The new world, or the new reformed church...

London. Printed by T[homas]. P[aine]. and M[atthew]. S[immons]. for William Adderton, 1641. First edition.
Quarto. [4], 79pp, [1]. Later half-calf, brown cloth boards, recently rebacked, all edges red. Boards worn and marked, corners exposed. Marbled endpapers, marginal chipping to title page, damp-staining to fore-edge.
The sole edition of a fast sermon by Independent divine Nathaniel Homes [Holmes] (1599-1678), delivered before parliament in 1641, in which expounds his vision of a renewed society 'brought more close to the rule of the gospel, made more spiritual and heavenlike.'
ESTC R8246, Wing H2570.
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref: 24304