The Compleat Lawyer; or, A Treatise concerning Tenures and Estates in Lands of Inheritance for Life, and other Hereditaments, and Chattels real and Personal. And how any of them may be conveyed in a Legal form by Fine, Recovery, Deed of Word, as the Case shall require.
Printed for John Benson, 1661.
[2], 60, 63-124pp, [2]. Text continuous despite pagination. Contemporary blind-ruled calf, recently rebacked. Boards rubbed and marked. Without pastedowns, near contemporary inked ownership inscription to recto of FFEP, small worm-track to initial four gatherings - touching text at times without loss of sense.
An authoritative treatise on land tenure and conveyancing by sometime Attorney General to Charles I, William Noy (1577-1634), first published in 1651.
ESTC R202997, Wing N1444.
£ 325.00
Antiquates Ref: 25197