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SCAPULA, Johannes. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum: in quo ex primitivorum & simplicium fontibus derivata atque composita ordine non minus naturali, quàm alphabetico, breviter & dilucidè deducuntur.

Basileae [i.e. Basel]. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri, [1600]. Editio ultima, priori locupletior & correctior.
Folio. [5] leaves, 1856 columns, [62, 30] leaves, 188 columns, [1] leaf. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Lightly rubbed and discoloured, corners bumped. Light damp-staining to upper corner of text-block, scattered foxing.
A revised edition of Johann Scapula's (fl. 1540-1600) well-regarded Greek and Latin lexicon, first published at Basel in 1580. Scapula was on the staff of the author and printer, Henri Estienne, whose monumental Greek Thesaurus was published at Geneva in 1572. It had taken twelve years for Estienne to research his great work, and in consequence he was forced to issue it at high cost. Scapula, on leaving the firm, plagiarised much of Estienne's material, which he incorporated into his own, cheaper, dictionary which far outsold Estienne's effort.
£ 450.00 Antiquates Ref: 25288