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BONHOTE, Mrs.. The parental monitor.

Dublin. Printed by William Porter, 1788.
12mo. Two volumes bound as one. x, 162; [3], 166-326pp. Later gilt-ruled half-calf, marbled boards. A trifle rubbed. Inked ownership inscription of Fanny Butler to head of Vol. I title page, inked gift inscription to head of p[iii]: 'The gift of Fanny Butler to Margaret Ellinore Cooker.'
The sole Dublin edition of Elizabeth Bonhote's (1744-1818) popular educational guide consisting of a series of short, moral essays addressed to children, enlivened by quotations and illustrative stories with the aim of uniting 'amusement and instruction' in order to guide 'the youthful heart...through the devious and dangerous paths of life.' First published by subscription at London by William Lane in 1788 it ran to four editions, including this Dublin printing, and was published posthumously in America.

ESTC record copies at four locations in the British Isles (BL, Cambridge, Dublin City Libraries, and NLI), a one further location in North America (Free Library of Philadelphia).
ESTC T118770.
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref: 25703