The works of the late Edward Dayes: containing an excursion through the principal parts of Derbyshire and Yorkshire...
Printed by T. Maiden, 1805.
First edition.
[16], 359pp, [3]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece, an additional engraved title page, a further 10 engraved plates, a final leaf of publisher's advertisements, and a list of subscribers. Contemporary gilt-tooled tree-calf, recently rebacked. Boards lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers, early inked ownership inscription to blank fly-leaves, occasional loss to tissue-guards, worm-track to latter half of text-block, touching text at times without loss of sense.
The first edition of the collected literary works of watercolour painter and mezzotint engraver Edward Dayes (1763-1804); including, 'An Excursion Through Derbyshire and Yorkshire', 'Essays on Paintings', 'Instructions For Drawing and Colouring Landscapes', and 'Professional Sketches of Modern Artists'.
£ 100.00
Antiquates Ref: 27570