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[COTTON, Charles]. Scarronides or, vigile Travestie. A Mock-Poem, On the First and Fourth Books of virgils aenaeis in English; Burlesque.

London. Printed by J[ames] C[ottrell] for Henry Brome, 1670.
8vo. [2], 150pp. The imitation of the fourth book has separate dated title page on p. 63. Recent blind-ruled calf, morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Minor shelf-wear. Margins shaved, slight loss to lower corner of leaf D4, scattered spotting.
A late seventeenth century edition of Charles Cotton's (1630-1687) perennially popular scatological burlesque of Virgil, of which book one first appeared in 1664 and book four the following year. Samuel Pepys, collecting a copy of book one on the very day it was licensed, found it 'extraordinary good'.
ESTC R33501, Wing C6394.
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 28046