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[BRIDEWELL ROYAL HOSPITAL]. EDWARD VI. The supplication made to his majesty king edward the sixth, for obtaining the house of bridewell: and a copy of the deed of settlement, made by his majesty king edward the sixth, on the hospitals of christ, bridewell, and st. thomas.

[London]. Printed at the Philanthropic Reform, [1807]. First edition.
8vo. 21pp, [1]. Modern navy wrappers. Lightly browned, scattered spotting.
In 1553, Edward VI gifted Bridewell Palace to the City of London for the housing of homeless children and punishment of the disorderly poor. Bridewell, governed jointly with Bethlem Hospital, was the first house of correction in England.

The Philanthropic Reform was founded in 1788. The aim of the society was to educate juvenile criminals and improve the conditions of the children of convicts; boys were taught trades - including printing - whilst girls were trained as domestic servants.

OCLC records copies at just three locations (Columbia, Cornell, and Wellcome); COPAC adds no further.
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref: 28068