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VERTOT, René Aubert de, abbé. Origine de la grandeur de la cour de rome: et de la nomination aux eveche's et aux abbaïes de france.

A la Haye [i.e. The Hague]. Chez Jean Neaulme, 1737. First edition.
[4], 244pp, [2]. With two final leaves of publisher's advertisements. Title in red and black.

[Bound with:] Recueil de plusieurs pieces, contenant les secrets les plus cachées des jesuites. Cologne. Chez Charles Marteau, 1733. First edition. [16], 160pp. Unpaginated preliminaries partially misbound.

12mo and 8vo. Later calf-backed speckled paper boards, morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Later recased. Extremities worn, upper joint split, loss to spine caps. Early manuscript shelf-mark to FEP, recent typed bookseller descriptions pasted to FEP and recto of FFEP, bookplate of John Fowles to recto of front blank fly-leaf, prelims of first mentioned work browned and spotted.
The first, posthumously published edition of French clergyman and historian René Aubert de Vertot's (1655-1735) Gallican polemic challenging ultramontanism; bound together with an anonymous - apparently Jansenist inspired - critique of the Jesuit order and their support of papal authority in France.

John Fowles (1926-2005), English novelist, notable works include The Magus (1965) and The French Lieutenant's Woman (1969).
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref: 28444