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SMART, William. A short discourse (After sermon) Recommending the Service and Prayers of the Church; Delivered in a Meeting-House in Edinburgh, September 28th. 1712...

Edinburgh. Printed by James Watson, 1712. First edition.
Quarto. 12pp. Bound by Maclehose of Glasgow, nineteenth century calf-backed marbled board, lettered in gilt to spine. Rubbed. Book-label of J. R. P. Forrest to FEP, head of text-block shaved (with loss to running-title at times), loss to title page (not touching text), paper repairs to verso of title and fore-edge of the majority of leaves.
A rare survival, albeit somewhat care-worn, of the sole edition of Church of Scotland clergyman William Smart's (c. 1649-1715) short paper, read before the congregation of an Edinburgh meeting house in 1712, advocating for Lord's Prayer to remain a part of the liturgy.

ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and NLS), and two further in North America (Huntington and Monash).
ESTC T107190.
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 28591