The alliance of Divine Offices, Exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England Since the reformation...
Printed for Charles Brome, 1690.
Second edition.
[16], 264, 275-313, [1], 325-348, 337-339pp, [1]. Text continuous despite pagination. Contemporary blind-ruled speckled calf, calf lettering-piece. Rubbed, upper joint split. Armorial bookplate of Revd. William Gunn to FEP, leaves toned and spotted.
The second edition of theologian and historian Hamon L'Estrange's (1605-1660) magnum opus (and final published work); one of the earliest historical studies of Anglican liturgy. First printed in 1659, the book rejects the primary objections of the liturgy's Catholic and puritan detractors, concluding that 'our Liturgy in the most, and those the most noble parts (those of sacred extraction excepted) were extant in the usage of the Primitive Church long before the Popish Masse was ever dreamt of'.
ESTC R19684, Wing L1184.
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref: 28932