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BURTON, Isabel. AEI. Arabia Egypt India: a narrative of travel.

London and Belfast. William Mullan and Son, 1879. First edition.
8vo. viii, 488pp. With twelve engraved plates, two engraved coloured maps (one folding), and two engraved illustrations in the text. Modern gilt-tooled red morocco-backed red cloth boards. Paper repairs to verso of folding map, scattered spotting.
The first edition of Isabel Burton's (1831-1896) 'Arabia Egypt India: a Narrative of Travel', recording her exploits throughout the aforementioned countries alongside her husband Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890). The engravings depict a range of peoples and places encountered by the explorers. Alongside her travel writing, Burton is best known for burning the diaries and final works of her husband upon his death, in an attempt to refashion his legacy into one of a modest and dutiful Catholic.
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref: 30124