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HERTZ, Henrik. King rene's daughter: A Danish Lyrical Drama.

London. Wm. S. Orr and Co., 1850. First edition.
8vo. [8], 78pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Original publisher's dark green cloth, stamped in gilt and blind. A trifle rubbed and marked, spine dulled. Insect damage to head of initial three leaves. Ink inscription to verso of FFEP: 'To Robert Roy Esq. / with the kind regards / of the Translator / Theodore Martin / 17 January 1850'.
The first edition of Scottish poet and biographer Theodore Martin's (1816-1909) translation into English of Kong Renés datter (1845), a Danish romantic drama by Henrik Hertz (1797- 1870).
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 30466