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[CHELSEA HOSPITAL]. A narrative of some proceedings In the Management of chelsea hospital, As far as relates to the Appointment and Dismission of samuel lee, surgeon.

London. Printed for W. Owen, 1753. First edition.
8vo. 95pp, [1]. Modern marbled paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to spine, all edges red. Manuscript shelfmark to head of title page, very occasional light spotting.
The sole edition of an anonymous defence of the conduct of surgeon Samuel Lee of Chelsea Hospital, who though claiming to have had great success in the treatment of ruptures, was regarded by fellow physicians, most notably pioneering surgeon William Cheselden, as a quack. Lee's controversial dismissal resulting from questions concerning the efficacy of his procedures, led not only to the publication of this pamphlet, which Lee likely wrote himself, but to a vitriolic pamphlet entitled A True Account of All the Transactions as far as relates to Samuel Lee, Surgeon (1754), published by John Ranby and Caesar Hawkins, two other prominent physicians involved in the affair.
ESTC T173590.
£ 325.00 Antiquates Ref: 30600