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[SHEBBEARE, John]. An authentic narrative of the oppressions of the islanders of jersey. To which is prefixed a succinct history of the military actions, constitution, laws, customs, and commerce of that island.

London. Printed for S. Hooper, 1771. First edition.
8vo. In two volumes. xv, [6], 10-322, [2], 47, [1]; xv, [1], 428pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red and green morocco lettering- pieces. Lightly rubbed and marked, spines sunned. Marbled endpapers, later armorial bookplates of John Carteret Hyde Seale (1881- 1964) to FEPs, very occasional light spotting. Presentation copy, inked inscription to title page of Vol. I.: 'For Sir Fletcher Norton / From his most obed. and Hbld. Ser. / The Author'.
A presentation copy of the sole edition of physician and political writer John Shebbeare's (1709-1788) authoritative treatise on the history of Jersey, which additionally serves as an impassioned condemnation of the contemporary injustices of Jersey government and the Jersey Revolution of 1769.

The catalyst for the Revolution was a dire corn shortage, in part caused by corruption in the ruling classes, led by the authoritarian Lieutenant Bailiff Charles Lemprière. On 28th September 1769, disgruntled Jerseymen rioted in Saint Helier, forcing the States, the island's parliament, to retreat. The protestors, opposed to the archaic feudal economic system under which they lived, demanded a reduction in wheat prices and a dissolution of seigneurial privileges. The English authorities reacted, issuing the Code of 1771, which in part separated the island's judiciary and legislature in an attempt to quell the corruption of the governing elite. The States were given a legislative monopoly, Lemprière removed from office, and the lawmaking powers of the Royal Court were removed.

Sir Fletcher Norton, first Baron Grantley (1716-1789), speaker of the House of Commons.
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref: 30794