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[BIBLE - English, Authorized 'King James' Version]. The holy bible, containing the old Testament and the New...

London. Printed by Robert Barker, 1634.
[16], 904pp. Printed in black letter. Double columns. With a map of Canaan. Horizontal tear to general title, ink stains to p.535 - touching text with some loss of sense.

[Bound after:] The booke of Common Prayer, and the Administration of the Sacraments, And other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. London. Robert Barker, 1634. [96]pp. Title page laid down - loss to margins and border.

[And:] S[PEED], J[ohn]. The genealogies recorded in the sacred scriptures, according to every Family and Tribe. With the line of our saviour Jesus Christ, observed from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Mary. [s.i.], [s.n.], [s.d.] [2], 34pp.

[Bound before:] [PSALTER - English] STERNOLD, Thomas. HOPKINS, John. The whole booke of psalms. London. Printed by W. S. for the Company of Stationers, 1634. [10], 90pp, [8]. Without final two leaves. Naive paper repair to foot of leaf A2, loss to head of terminal four leaves - with loss to running title.

Quarto in 8s. Contemporary blind-tooled reversed calf, later rebacked and recornered, later black morocco lettering-piece. Boards heavily rubbed and marked.
The definitive Anglican text of the Reformation. 'The Authorized Version of the English Bible, first printed in the most widely-published text in the English language. During many generations, large portions of it were known by heart by people on both sides of the Atlantic. With Shakespeare, its exact contemporary, the Authorized Version has contributed countless quotations and expressions which have slipped, hardly noticed, into English language and idiom...The book was always printed according to a very precise formula. The lengthy wording of the title-page was unvarying. Every Bible opened with the standard preface to James I, 'To the Most High and Mighty Prince James...', beginning 'Great and manifold were the blessings...' The text of the Bible was arranged in strict convention. It was generally laid out in two columns, with separate numbered verses. Each chapter opened with a short summary of its content. There were no interpretative notes, but there were brief references in the margins to parallel passages or variant readings. 246-249pp, HAMEL, Christopher De. The Book. A History of the Bible. London, 2001.
Herbert 488.
£ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref: 30903