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SAPRU, Sir Tej Bahadur. Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform: memorandum on the white paper.

Allahabad. Allahabad Law Journal Press, 1933. First edition.
8vo. iv, 175pp, [1]. Contemporary purple half-cloth, decorated paper boards, paper label with title in manuscript to upper board. Original publisher's printed cream wrappers bound in. Rubbed and marked, loss to head of sunned spine. Text-block detached from binding, marginal worming throughout, coloured pencil shelf-marks to title page. Presentation copy, inked inscription to upper wrapper: 'With best compliments'.
A rare survival of Indian jurist, statesman, and prominent proponent of Indian independence Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru's (1875-1949) impassioned response to a white paper submitted to parliament by a joint select committee regarding reformations to the Indian constitution. The paper ultimately led directly to the implementation of the Government of India Act 1935.

OCLC records copies at just two locations (BL, Chicago); COPAC adds one further (LSE).
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref: 32180