Three tracts, viz. I. A Discourse concerning Persecution, wherein the Grounds upon which Christians afflict and grieve, and bereave each other of Life, for their different Opinions in Matters of Religion, are Examin'd. II. A Letter of Thanks to the Author of the Tract intituled, A Friendly Admonition to Mr. Chubb. III. Some Remarks on Dr. Morgan's Tract, intituled, A lEtter to Mr. Chubb, occasioned by his two Letters to a Friend.
Printed by J. Darby and T. Browne, 1727.
[2], 103pp, [1]. With a half-title. Disbound, all edges red. Later paper shelf-label to head of browned half-title, scattered spotting.
Three tracts by Thomas Chubb (1679-1747), English lay deist writer, including a discourse on his own on Persecution, accompanied by responses to two other tracts - 'A Friendly Admonition to Mr. Chubb', and 'A Letter to Mr Chubb, occasioned by his two Letters to a Friend'. Involved in the Arian controversy, Chubb would eventually move away from Arianism into his modified Deisim.
ESTC T50309.
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref: 32980