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BELLOY, de [Pierre Laurent Buyette]. The siege of calais. A tragedy. From the french of mr. de belloy. With historical notes.

London. Printed by J. Lister, 1765. First edition in English.
8vo. vii, [1], 83pp, [1]. With a half-title. Later naively rebacked in green calf. Half-title marked and chipped, title page and initial leaf of text detached, short tear to foot of title page, small marginal burn-hole to leaf D3, scattered spotting.
The first edition in English of a patriotic play by French actor and dramatist Dormont de Belloy (1727-1775). The only actor to have been accepted into the Académie française, De Belloy's play received a positive response, despite depicting a French defeat, due to its emphasis on French devotion in the face of adversity.
ESTC T112392.
£ 50.00 Antiquates Ref: 32985