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Art and Collecting

[CLAYTON, Nicholas]. [Two bound collections of scraps, silhouettes and sketches painted, both titled 'Medals', mostly within roundels and with running mottos summarising the sitter's personality]. [s.i.]. [s.n., s.d. but likely 1780s-90s] 8vo and oblong 8vo.. Two volumes. Featuring 54 painted portraits within 237pp (8vo), and 17 further examples within 74pp (oblong 8vo). Exquisitely bound in contemporary gilt-tooled navy crushed morocco, A.E.G. Very slightly rubbed, with occasional internal offsetting, else fine. More > £ 7,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 29941
BEVERIDGE, Erskine. Wanderings with a Camera 1882-1898. Edinburgh. Privately printed, William Brown, 1922. First edition. Quarto. Number one of 50 copies printed. In two volumes. 313 leaves of photographic collotype plates. Original publisher's green cloth, lettered in gilt. A trifle rubbed, bruised at head of spines. Endpapers browned. A crisp copy. The compiler John H. Beveridge's own copy, with his armorial bookplate to FEP and inked ownership inscription to limitation page. More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 23283
BARETTI, Joseph. A guide through the royal academy. London. Printed by T. Cadell, [1781]. 32pp. ESTC T228820. The scarcer of two issues, with press figure '3' on p.7.

[Bound after:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered at the opening of the royal academy, January 2, 1769, by the president. London. [s.n.], 1769. [4], 15pp, [1]. ESTC T31941.

[And:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered to the students of the royal academy, on the Distribution of the Prizes, December 14, 1770, by ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 19128
[STRAWBERRY HILL]. The collection of rare prints & illustrated works, removed from strawberry hill for sale in london. A catalogue of the extensive and most valuable collection of engraved portraits, of the most illustrious and other eminent british characters that figure in the annals of history and originally collected by horace walpole, earl of orford; which will be sold by auction... [London]. Smith and Robins, [1842]. First edition. Quarto. vi, [3]-131pp, [1]. Later half-calf, marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine, T.E.G. A trifle rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, manuscript note to verso of FFEP: 'This catalogue was given to me by Mr. Schulze, who had it from Mr. Morgan, who had it from Smith of Lisle Street, the famous printseller, & friend of Beckford of Fonthill. I had it bound by Mr. ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 26440
[REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered at the opening of the royal academy, october 16, 1780, by the president. London. Printed by Thomas Cadell, 1781. First edition. [2], 32pp.

[Bound with:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered to the students of the royal academy, on the Distribution of the Prizes, December 10, 1782, by the president. London. Printed by Thomas Cadell, 1783. First edition. 28pp. With a half-title. Presentation copy, inked inscription to half-title: 'Dudley Long Esqr. / from the Author'.

[And:] [REYNOLDS, Joshua]. A discourse, delivered to the students of the royal ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 22498
H.M.M.. Two nights on the hills, October, 1863. [s.i.]. [s.n.], 1863. Oblong folio. [20]ff, consisting of a title and 16 leaves (featuring 18 captioned albumen illustrations), with three further terminal blanks. Contemporary half roan, cloth boards, with red morocco lettering-piece to upper board. Worn, with loss to spine, corners. Bookplate of the Oliver Collection to FEP. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 18360
CRUIKSHANK, George. [A coherent and extensive collection of engravings, in a scrap book, featuring broadsides, proof strikes, plates, vignettes, title pages, and one hand-coloured etching].. vs.. vs, vs. Folio. [111]ff. Nineteenth century gilt-tooled half hard grained green morocco, cloth boards. Rubbed to extremities, chipping at head and foot of spine, bumping to corners, paper label over gilt tooled lettering to spine (chipped). A handful of stubs suggest some removals, all in one section. The recto of each leaf of this scrap-book is filled, with between one and six examples of Cruikshank's work pasted down. ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 26975
[LITTLE, Norman]. [An album of sketches by artist Norman Little]. [s.l.]. [s.n.], [c. 1900-05] Folio. 34 sketches mounted on 19 leaves, one or two to a page (rectos only), pencil or pen & ink with traces of pencil, one with grisaille watercolour wash. Contemporary black half-morocco, green cloth boards, tooled in gilt, stencilled title in black on upper board. worn, with spine deficient. First and final album leaf laid down to form pastedowns, front pastedown with mounted signature of the ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 24147
[NORTHERN INDIA]. [Two photograph albums]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1929-35] I: Oblong quarto. 30 photographs mounted on 30 leaves. Contemporary light green embossed cloth, paper label to upper board title in manuscript 'Lahore, Cricket Teams, Khyber Pass, and Family Groups'. Rubbed and marked, joints split.

II: Oblong quarto. 21 photographs mounted on 12 leaves bound with string in contemporary reversed half-calf, beige cloth boards, paper label to upper board titled in manuscript 'Kangra Valley'. Rubbed ... More >
£ 900.00 Antiquates Ref. 25280
TASSIE, William. Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of devices and mottos english, french, and italian, from Engraved Seals, formed in composition paste, and sold by william tassie, leicester-square. London. Printed by William Bulmer and Co., 1816. First edition. 12mo. [8], 43pp, [1]. With a half-title. Original publisher's printed powder blue paper boards, recently rebacked in black cloth. Ink-stamp of the Birmingham Assay Office to front blank fly-leaf, later inked gift inscription and annotation to half-title, manuscript numerals to REP, occasional paper repairs to gutter margins, scattered spotting. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 30905
LAIRESSE, Gerard de. The art of painting, in all its branches, Methodically demonstrated by Discourses and Plates, and exemplified by remarks on the paintings Of the best Masters: And their Perfections and Oversights laid open. London. Printed for S. Vandenbergh, 1778. Second edition in English. Quarto. [20], 504pp. Title in red and black. With an engraved frontispiece and a further 69 engraved plates (numbered 1-71, several folding). Modern gilt-tooled half-calf, marbled paper boards. Minor shelf-wear, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, verso of six initial leaves (including frontispiece and title page) and terminal leaf neatly strengthened to verso, one plate with repaired closed tears, some dampstaining, mostly to plates, scattered spotting, offsetting. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 26443
LAMOTTE, Charles. An essay upon Poetry and Painting, With Relation to the Sacred and Profane history. With an appendix Concerning obscenity in Writing and Painting. London. Printed for F. Fayram...and J. Leake, 1730. First edition. 12mo. 2], 202pp. Contemporary gilt-ruled sprinkled calf. Lightly rubbed and marked, wear to upper corner of lower board and foot of sunned spine. Without free-endpapers, very slight loss to head of leaves B5-6, occasional light spotting. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 30784
[PATTERN BOOK]. [A bound drawing book of lace patterns]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [s.d.] Quarto. Manuscript on paper. [182] leaves. Approximately one third used. Several sheets loosely inserted. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf. Heavily rubbed, marked, joints split. Holes to boards for the accommodation of cloth ties, now absent. Endpapers browned. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 30211
LENORMAND, [Louis-Sébastien]. Manuel de relieur, dans toutes ses parties; précédé des arts de l'assembleur, du satineur, de la plieuse, de la brocheuse, et suivi des arts du marbreur sur tranches, du doreur sur tranches et sur cuir. Paris. Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 1831. Deuxiéme édition, revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée.. 12mo. [6], viii, 286pp. With a half-title and three folding engraved plates. Without the terminal publisher's 36pp advertisement catalogue found in some copies. Later gilt-tooled half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting lettering-piece. Extremities worn, upper board detached, loss to spine. Marbled endpapers, scattered spotting. With 28pp of manuscript notes (and a double-page table) in a single hand to rear. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 16435
[ITALIAN ART]. COCHIN, Charles-Nicolas. Voyage d'Italie, ou recueil de notes Sur les Ouvrages de Peinture & de Sculpture, qu'on voit dans les principales villes d'Itlaie. A Paris. Chez Ch. Ant. Jombert, 1758. 12mo. In three volumes. xvi, 230; [4], 197, [1]; [4], 288pp. Attractively bound in contemporary cats-paw calf, gilt, all edges red. Rubbed with slight surface loss. Marbled endpapers, index to rear blank endpapers of Vol. I., ink- stamps of the Ben Damph Forest Library - family seat of the Earls of Lovelace - to all FFEPs. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 13524