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Art and Collecting

GUICCIARDINI, Lodovico. [PINKERTON, John?]. Guicciardini's account of the ancient flemish school of painting. Translated from his description of the netherlands, published in italian at antwerp, 1567. With a preface, by the translator. London. Printed for I. Herbert, 1795. Second English edition. Quarto. xv, [1], 36pp. With half-title. Uncut in original paper-backed marbled paper wrappers, with evidence of being disbound from a larger volume, with some loss and stitching to spine. Some browning and spotting internally. More > £ 350.00 Antiquates Ref. 14794
[GOETHE], ARNIM, Bettina von. Goethe et Bettina correspondance inedite de Goethe et de Mme Bettina d'Arnim. Traduit de l'allemand par Seb. Albin. Paris. Au Comptoir des Imprimeurs Unis, 1843. First French editon. 8vo. Two volumes bound as one. [2], xvi, 348, [4], 364pp. Recent navy morocco backed mottled boards. Minor wear to extremities. Marbled endpapers, title-page laid-down due to tearing, loss to bottom corner of p.195-6, second half-title with repaired tear, some minor browning thought overall clean. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13989
[RUSKIN, John]. Frondes agrestes. Readings in 'modern painters'. Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent. George Allen, 1875. First edition. 8vo. vii, [1], 184pp. Original publisher's gilt-tooled brown limp morocco, A.E.G. A trifle rubbed. Paper label to upper board with manuscript note: 'This volume contains the bookplate of Thomas Carlyle'. Bookplate of Thomas Carlyle to FEP, manuscript biographical note (on Ruskin and Carlyle) to recto of front blank fly-leaf, later bookplate and inked ownership inscription of William Wade Porteous to REP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 24539
BIANCO, Pamela. MARE, Walter de la. Flora: a book of drawings. London. William Heinemann, [1919]. First edition. Quarto. [8], 43pp. Illustrated with eight colour plates and numerous line illustrations. Original publisher's pictorial paper boards, pictorial dustwrapper. Rubbed, bumped, and a trifle discoloured, dustwrapper worn, with substantial chipping and loss. Lightly spotted internally. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 23355
WOOD, John. Elements of perspective; containing the nature of light and colours, and the theory and practice of perspective, in regard to lines, surfaces, and solids, with its application to architecture. To which are added rules for painting in transparent water colours. London. G. Cawthorn, 1799. First edition. 8vo. [3], vi-xv, [1], 132pp. Without half-title. With 18 engraved folding plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled tree-calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, upper joint starting. Printer's waste pastedowns sprung (with some loss), early inked ownership inscription to title, title page working loose, plates browned, scattered spotting. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 23343
TICOZZI, Stefano. Dizionario dei pittori dal rinnovamento delle belle arti fino al 1800. Milano [i.e. Milan]. Dalla Tipograafia di Vincenzo Ferrario, 1818. First edition. 8vo. Two volumes bound as one. xv, [1], 328; 363pp, [1]. With two engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled vellum, contrasting black calf lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, marked, discoloured, spine dulled. Armorial bookplate of Charles Feilding to FEP, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 25077
[CARLOS, João]. Dez gravuras de João Carlos [ten engravings by joão carlos]. Lisbon. Edicoes Inquerito, [1957]. Limited issue. [11] leaves. Original publisher's cream card folder lettered black, containing 11 loose leaf cards comprising ten engravings, with an introductory leaf by Charles Oulmont. Folder somewhat worn, with large tear to spine. Inscribed on the covering leaf 'To Mr. Cyril Kenney with the best wishes for a happy New Year Very sincerely João Carlos. Christmas 1957'.
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£ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 30083
TASSIE, William. Descriptive Catalogue of a collection of devices and mottos english, french, and italian, from Engraved Seals, formed in composition paste, and sold by william tassie, leicester-square. London. Printed by William Bulmer and Co., 1816. First edition. 12mo. [8], 43pp, [1]. With a half-title. Original publisher's printed powder blue paper boards, recently rebacked in black cloth. Ink-stamp of the Birmingham Assay Office to front blank fly-leaf, later inked gift inscription and annotation to half-title, manuscript numerals to REP, occasional paper repairs to gutter margins, scattered spotting. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 30905
ALBERTI, Leonbatista. Della pittura e della statua. Milano. Dalla Società Tipograpfica de'Classici Italiani, 1804. 8vo. xxv, [1], 136pp, [4]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and a further six engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, supralibros of George Agar-Ellis to both boards. Rubbed, without lettering-pieces. Recent bookplates of J. B. Bury and Michael Bury to FEP. More > £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 32523