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GRAHAM, George. Bishop of Orkney. [A bound collection of his correspondence and papers, amongst others, from the archives of the Graham family]. [s.i., vs.]. [s.n.], 1570-1700 Folio. 48 separate letters and documents; manuscript on paper. Mounted on stubs with small,numbered, printed labels either affixed directly to the documents, or to the blank leaves behind which they are mounted nineteenth-century half-Russia, neatly rebacked (original spine laid down) and recornered, with new marbled paper covering boards. Recent photocopies of much of the text of ‘Some letters and correspondence of George Graeme, Bishop of Dunblane ... More > £ 9,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 23954
[DUKE OF YORK]. D'ARNAUDIN, H.E.. Memoire Historique et Miitaire des Campagnes de 1793, 1794 et Commencement de 1795 dans les Pays-Bas, la Hollande &c par l'Armee Britannique aux Ordres de SAeRe Monseigneur le Duc d'York agissant de Concert avec les Armees Imperiale, Prussienne de Hollandoise. Avec le Recit decequi s'est passe en memetems aux Armees du Rhin le tout Enrici de Cartes et Plans. Tome Premier [-Deuxieme]. . [s.i.]. Dec. 1796 a Londres Manuscript on paper. Two volumes. [2], 192, 191*-192*, 193-264, [4]; [6], 114, 111*-114*, 115- 198, 195*-198*, 199-274, 273*-274*, 275-409pp, [3]. With three illustrated orders of battle/charts. Contemporary red straight-grained, richly gilt-tooled morocco, bound for the dedicatee, the Duke of York, with his armorial to head of spine. Rubbed, with some loss/tearing to spines, joints, some marking. A.E.G., marbled endpapers. Upper hinge of volume I split. More > £ 9,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 17774
[JAMAICA]. The new Jamaica Almanack, and register, Calculated to the Meridian of the Island for the Year of our Lord 1794. Being the Second after Bissextile or Leap Year. [Second Edition - Carefully Corrected]. Saint Jago de la Vega. Printed by David Dickson, for Thomas Stevenson, Stationer, Kingston, [1794]. 12mo in 6s. 146pp, [14]. With two hand-coloured engraved leaves of plates depicting 'Signals for distinguishing the Several Packets on the Falmouth Station' bound in before title. Variously interleaved at front, with numerous blanks at end inserted, some of which removed. Contemporary, perhaps original gilt-tooled wallet-format calf over card boards, the fold-over flap missing, but with an open fore-edge to upper board with marbled paper-lined pocket. Rubbed and ... More > £ 6,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30515
BOECE, Hector. Scotorum historiae a prima gentis origine, cum aliarum et rerum et gentium illustratione non vulgari, Libri XIX. Hectore Boethio Deidonana auctore. Duo postreme huius Historiae libri nunc primum emittuntur in lucem.... Parisiis, [i.e. Paris, but colophon states Lausanne: Francois Le Preux]. Vaenundantur a Jacobo du Puys sub signo Samaritanae, prope collegium Cameracense, 1574. Folio. [6], 13, [9], 402ff, [18]. Adams B2309. USTC 170237.

[Bound with:] ASSER, John. Aelfredi regis res gestae. [London. Printed by John Day, 1574. First edition. [10 of 12], 40pp, [8]. Without leaf [par]2 (blank). Woodcut title.

[And:] WALSINGHAM, Thomas. Historia brevis Thomae Walsingham, ab Edwardo primo, ad Henricum quintum. Londini [i.e., London]. Excusum apud Henricum Binneman Typographum. Sub insigno Syrenis. First edition. [10], 382, 385-418, ... More >
£ 4,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 20860
HULLS, J[onathan], BRADFORD, W[illiam, DARBY, R.. The description and use of a New-Invented Instrument for detecting frauds in Bad or Counterfeit Gold: by shewing The True Weight of every Piece of Gold Coin no. [s.i., London?]. [s.n., s.d., 1754?] 16mo in 4s. 24pp. Original publisher's blue printed paper wrappers. A little marked and browned, with a neat manuscript note to the verso of upper wrapper (see below), below at Bradford 'By the King's Patent' stamp, occasional dog-earring to corners. More > £ 3,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 19316
[SOCIETY FOR THE EXTINCTION OF THE SLAVE TRADE]. [Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade and for the Civilization of Africa, advertisement to verso of One Penny Mulready letter-sheet]. Dimensions unfolded: 220 x 200 mm; folded: 133 x 88 mm.. Single leaf mulready letter- sheet, folded addressed to 'Mrs Clive, Sanderstead, Croydon, Surrey', postmarked Frome with the 306 duplex cancellation to folded front, and further post-marks of Croydon and Frome dated September 1844, to folded verso. Some tears to folds, margins, without loss of text, remains of opened wax seal and old paper repairs to recto. More > £ 3,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 30000
[BECKFORD, Alderman William]. Brief memoirs of the judges whose portraits are preserved in guildhall. To which are prefixed, engravings of the marble sculptures, representing the earl of chatham and william beckford, Esq. [London]. Sold by John Pridden...and Joseph White, 1791. First edition. 8vo. [6], 9-50pp. Title-page a cancel. With three engraved plates, extra-illustrated with an additional engraved portrait depicting Sir Christopher Turnor and a single leaf, with text to both sides (from another, unidentified volume) regarding his life bound in following leaf C4. Contemporary calf-backed vellum-tipped marbled boards, gilt. Extremities rubbed, some loss to spine, else fine. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of FFEP; 'For Mr. Wolley ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 16575
[QUEEN CAROLINE]. [Cover title:] A series of caricatures illustrating the attorney general's charges against queen caroline. Fifty-one Plates Complete on Thirty-Five. "Exceedingly Characteristic, now very scarce, having been supressed." Originally published at five guineas. [London]. [G. Humphrey, 1817-27] Oblong folio. Expertly recased in original patterned paper wrappers, title label to upper wrapper. Fifty-one etched caricatures (on 35 sheets), uncoloured. Worn, with creasing (and consequent tear to upper wrapper), and loss to extremities. Plates heavily toned and spotted. Ten plates laid-down on slightly later paper backing, the final nine sheets with a small pieced hole, affecting images. Two of the plates which have been laid down ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30267
BOATE, Gerard. Irelands naturall history. Being a true and ample Description of its Situation, Greatness, Shape, and Nature; Of its Hills, Woods, Heaths, Bogs, Of its Fruitfull Parts and profitable Grounds, with the severall ways of Manuring and Improving the same. With its Heads or Promontories, Harbours, Roads and Bays; Of its Springs and Fountains, Brooks, Rivers, Loghs; Of its Metalls, Mineralls, Freestone, Marble, Sea-coal, Truf, and other things that are taken out of the ground... Imprinted at London. for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Baily, 1657. Second edition. 8vo. [16], 186pp, [6]. Occasional pencilled highlighting to text. ESTC R27215. USTC 3073182. Wing B3373.

[Bound after:] [DAVIES, Sir J.] A discoverie of the true causes why ireland Was never entirely Subdued, nor brought under Obedience of the Crowne of England, Untill the Beginning of His Majesties happie Raigne. Printed exactly from the Edition in 1612. London. Printed for A. Millar, opposite Katharine Street in the ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 31288
[DEFOE, Daniel]. An essay upon literature: or, An Enquiry into the Antiquity and Original of letters; proving That the two Tables, written by the Finger of God in Mount Sinai, was the first Writing in the World; and that all other Alphabets derive from the Hebrew. London. Printed for Tho. Bowles, 1726. First edition. 8vo. [2], 127pp, [1]. Bound by Kerr & Richardson of Glasgow in nineteenth-century brown morocco-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. A trifle rubbed, corners bumped. Very occasional light spotting or marking, title trimmed at lower-edge. Book-label of J. R. P. Forrest to FEP. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27128
[ITALIAN LITERATURE]. [A collection of 21 Italian pamphlets, on various subjects, printed mostly in Milan, Venice, Florence, and Ferrara]. [vs.]. [vs.], [1822-1848] In four volumes.

Vol. I:

Sopra il nuovo libro intitolato delle origini italiche Letterea di Risposta di un vecchio ad un giovine amico. Brescia. Tipografia Venturini, 1841. 72pp.

[Bound with:] Al consigliere gaetano pinali epistola di caterina bon brenzoni. Verona. Dalla stamperia Libanti, 1844. 18pp, [2]. With a lithographed frontispiece.

[And:] Memoire relative al monumento emo esistente nell' arsenale di venezia opera dell' immortale antonio ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 25067
[BANNATYNE CLUB]. Catalogue of The Bannatyne Club publications. January M.DCCC.XXX. [Edinburgh?]. [s.n.], 1830. 12pp.

[Bound with:] Catalogue of The Bannatyne Club publications. Edinburgh. Printed by Ballantyne and Company, 1833. 24pp.

[And:] Rules of The Bannatyne Club. Instituted February, M.DCCC.XXIII. [Edinburgh?] [s.n], [1833]. 7pp, [1].

[And:] [Drop-head title:] At the Annual General Meeting of the Bannatyne Club, held in the Apartments of the Antiquarian Society, on Monday, December 9, 1833. [Edinburgh?] [s.n.], [1833]. 3pp, [1].

[And:] Rules of The ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 28582
PANEGYRICI VETERES. Panegyrici veteres interpretatione et notis illustravit jacobus de la baune soc. jesu. jussi christianissimi regis. ad usum serenissimi delphini. Parisis, [i.e. Paris]. Apud Simonem Benard, 1676. First Delphine edition. Quarto. [24], 350 [i.e. 346], [160]. With terminal blank u4, and engraved frontispiece (by Louis Cossin) and occasional engraved vignette medallions within the text. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, rubbed, with splitting to joints (although boards remain strongly attached) and bumping to corners. Some browning to endpapers, occasional spotting and marking to text. Edward Gibbon's copy, with his (first) armorial bookplate to FEP, in addition to the inscriptions ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 19470
WHITAKER, Jeremiah. The Danger of Greatnesse: or, uzziah HIs Exaltation and Destruction: set forth in a sermon preached Before the Right Honourable the lords and commons assembled in Parliament... London. Printed by G[eorge] M[iller] for John Bellamie, 1646. [8], 44pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R200519, Wing W1711.

[Together with:] NEWCOMEN, Matthew. The all-seeing unseen Eye of God. Discovered, in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons... London. Printed by A[braham] M[iller] for Christopher Meredith, 1647. [4], 48pp. ESTC R201280, Wing N904.

[And:] NEWCOMEN, Matthew. The craft and cruelty of the churches adversaries, Discovered In a Sermon Preached at St. ... More >
£ 3,750.00 On Sale: £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 28577
[BROWNE, Peter]. Of drinking in remembrance of the dead. Being The Substance of a Discourse Deliver'd to the clergy of the Diocese of cork, on the Fourth of November, 1713. by the Bishop of that Diocese. And Published at their Unanimous Request. London. Printed for J. Roberts, 1713. 40pp. ESTC T83992. First published in 1713 as Of drinking to the memory of the dead.

[Bound after:] Aminadab: or, the Quaker's vision. [London]. In the Year 1710. First edition. [4], 11pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece. ESTC T8504.

[And:] Aminadab's declaration, Deliver'd at a General Meeting Holden upon the first day of the Last pentecost. [London]. In the Year 1710. First edition. 15pp, [1]. ... More >
£ 1,750.00 Antiquates Ref. 18635
[MOURNING CARDS]. [An album of mourning cards]. [vs.]. [vs.], [1845-1916] Oblong quarto. 117 mourning cards mounted on 28 heavyweight card leaves, the majority printed within black borders. Bound by W. & J, Milne of Edinburgh in contemporary red straight-grain morocco, gilt initials 'I. N. S. L.' to upper board, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed. Scattered spotting. More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 31578
GAUGUIN, Robert. Cōpēdiū Roberti Gaguini sup[er] frācor[um] gestis. [Parisiis]. [Impressit Bertholdus Rembolt, īpēsis optimi bibilopoæ Iohānis Parui], [1511]. 8vo. [16], 312ff. With an engraved title page and engraved device of printed and bookseller Jehan Petit to verso of terminal leaf. Contemporary limp vellum, title in manuscript to spine, author's name in manuscript to lower edge. Extremities rubbed, marked, and discoloured, spine dulled. Small worm-track to lower margins of three terminal leaves. More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30879