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[SAINT BARTHÉLEMY]. [Drop-head title:] Kongl. Maj:ts förordning och taxa på lösen för domar, resolutioner och öfrige til justitiarie-embetet på ön S:t Barthelemy i Vest-Indien hörande skrifter, contracter, attester m. m. : gifven Stockholms slott den 2 maji 1797... Stockholm. Tryckt i kongl. Tryckeriet, 1797. Dimensions 430 x 530 mm. Single leaf broadside. Printed in three columns, parallel Swedish, French, and English text. Edges uncut. Several old horizontal and vertical folds. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 24330
SAGAR, Keith. The laughter of foxes. Liverpool. Liverpool University Press, 2000. First edition. 8vo. [xxxiv] 196pp. Original publisher's black cloth boards, lettered in gilt, with the original dustwrapper. Lightly bumped with some further markings and minor smoke damage to the dustwrapper, and top edge of text block – with associated odour. Inscribed on the FFEP: 'To Olwyn with love and gratitude from Keith Feb 2000'. Rear pastedown has five-page references in Olwyn's hand corresponding to marked passages within the ... More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 29642
[SADE, Jacques Francois Paul-Aldonce de]. The life of petrarch. Collected from memoires pour la vie de petrarch. London. Printed for the author; and sold by J. Dodsley, 1776. Second edition. 8vo. In two volumes. xxx, 544, [12]; [2], 556pp, [12]. With an engraved frontispiece to Vol. I. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-pieces. Rubbed and marked. Early inked ownership inscriptions to title pages, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 33051
RUSKIN, John. Sesame and lilies. London. George Allen, 1892. Thirteenth edition in original form. 8vo. xi, [1], 180pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled vellum, T.E.G. A trifle rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, later inked gift inscription to front blank fly-leaf, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 28919
[RUIZ DE VERGARA ÁLAVA, Francisco]. Regla, y establecimientos, de la orden y cavalleria, del gloriosso apostol santiago patron de las spañas, con la historia del origen y principio deela. [Madrid]. [Domingo Garcia Morras], 1655. First edition. Folio. [13], 204, 211-216, 205-210, 217-220ff, [18]. Partially misbound. With an engraved pictorial title page and two further engraved plates by Pedro de Villafranca Malagón. Later vellum, title in manuscript to spine. Extremities rubbed, marked, and discoloured. Chipping to head of title page, small neat paper repair to verso, very occasional manuscript annotations in an early Spanish hand. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 25847
[ROYAL NAVY]. Log of the proceeding on board H. M. ship "Forte". [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1871-73] Folio. Manuscript on paper. [326]pp. Contemporary black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind. Heavily rubbed and marked, foot of spine and lower joint worn, corners exposed. Internally clean and crisp. With an engraved map showing the 1868-69 passage of the HMS Forte from England to Bombay, with later passage added in manuscript, and a sepia photograph of an unidentified vessel. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30935
[ROYAL NAVY]. A list of His Majesty's ships and vessels of the royal navy... London. Printed and Sold by J. Watson, 1741. Third edition. [4], 40pp. With initial advertisement leaf. ESTC T41015. Pen-trials to p.26., short marginal tear to leaf B4.

[Bound after:] RIDER, Cardanus. Rider's British Merlin:For the Year of our Lord God 1741... London. Printed by R. Nutt, [1741]. [48]pp. ESTC T44985. Tear to one leaf - touching text without loss of sense.

[And:] [A defective eighteenth-century almanac].

[And:] The Court Kalendar For the year 1741... London. ... More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 17432
[ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH]. The history and statutes of the royal infirmary of edinburgh. Edinburgh. Printed by Balfour and Smellie, 1778. Quarto. 94pp. With two engraved folding plates depicting the facade of the infirmary, and a plan of the interior respectively. Nineteenth-century green buckram, lettered in gilt. Rubbed, some marking, spine separating, with some loss. Recent ownership inscription and private library shelf-label of Robert Croall to front-endpapers, small hole to title-page - not touching text, occasional dust-soiling, spotting to plates. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 18935
[ROYAL CEREMONY]. [Caption title:] The Form of the Proceeding to the funeral Of her late Majesty queen mary II. Of Blessed Memory... [Edinburgh]. In the Savoy: Printed by Edw. Jones, 1694/5 [i.e. 1695] Folio. 4pp. Imprint from colophon. Dated according to Lady Day dating. A rare variant of ESTC R37350 - under title on p.1: 'March 2. 1694/5 I do appoint Edward Jones to print this account of the proceeding. Norfolke, and Marshall.' Two copies are recorded in the British Isles (Advocates and NLS), and none elsewhere. ESTC R177184, Wing F1582A.

[Bound with:] The Form of the Proceeding to ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27792
[ROYAL ACTS AND ORDERS]. [KING, Gregory]. The order of the installation of Prince George of Denmark, charles Duke of somerset, and george Duke of northumberland. Knights and companions Of the most Noble Order of the garter. In the Royal Chappel of St. george at windsor, april the 8th. 1684. London. Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1684. 14pp. ESTC R16301, Wing K495.

[Bound with:] An exact relation of the Grand Ceremony of the marriage of charles the II...As it was performed at Fontainbleau by Cardinal Bouillon, the Prince of Conti being Proxey in behalf of the most Catholick King. By an Eye-witness, as it was Printed at Paris, and faithfully Translated. London. Printed for Dorman Newman, 1679. [2], 10pp. ESTC R31470, Wing ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27793
[ROXBURGHE CLUB]. JAMES I.. Basilikon dōron: or, His Majestys Instructions to his dearest Sonne, Henry the Prince... London. Printed By Wertheimer, Lea, & Co,, 1887. Quarto. xxx, [8], 159, [3], lx pp. With a half-title and two plates of facsimiles. First two words of title transliterated from the Greek. Original publisher's calf, tooled in gilt and blind, gilt supralibros to upper board, T.E.G. Lightly rubbed and sunned. Very occasional light spotting. From the library of George Briscoe Eyre, recently dispersed, with his name printed in red to the list of members. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 18182
[ROXBURGHE CLUB]. Roxburghe Club. Chronological list of members; catalogue of books; rules and regulations. London. [John Bowyer Nicols and Sons, Printers, Parliament Street], 1855 [i.e. 1864] Quarto. [8], 13, [1], 3pp, [1]. Original gilt-tooled morocco-backed scarlet paper boards. A trifle rubbed to extremities, bumped to corners. Spotting to endpapers, else internally fine. From the library of George Briscoe Eyre, recently dispersed, with his name printed in red (and indeed corrected in manuscript) to the list of members. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 18180
ROWSE, A. L. All souls and appeasement: A Contribution to Contemporary History. London. Macmillan a& Co., 1961. First edition. 8vo. vii, [1], 121pp, [1]. With a photographic frontispiece and a further seven photographic plates. Original publisher's navy cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Without dustwrapper. A trifle rubbed and cocked. Internally clean and crisp. Armorial bookplate of Anthony Eden loosely inserted. Presentation copy, ink inscription to recto of FFEP: 'With kindest wished from A L Rowse'. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 29796
ROWSE, A. L. The england of elizabeth: The Structure of Society. London. Macmillan & Co., 1950. First edition. 8vo. xv, [1], 546pp, [2]. With a photographic frontispiece and a further 23 photographic plates. Original publisher's green cloth, lettered in gilt to spine and upper board. A trifle rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. Anthony Eden's copy, without overt indication of such. Presentation copy, ink inscription to recto of FFEP: This small tribute of admiration for the statesman and with the best wishes of the author. ... More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 29795