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[SAINT BARTHÉLEMY]. [Drop-head title:] Kongl. Maj:ts förordning och taxa på lösen för domar, resolutioner och öfrige til justitiarie-embetet på ön S:t Barthelemy i Vest-Indien hörande skrifter, contracter, attester m. m. : gifven Stockholms slott den 2 maji 1797... Stockholm. Tryckt i kongl. Tryckeriet, 1797. Dimensions 430 x 530 mm. Single leaf broadside. Printed in three columns, parallel Swedish, French, and English text. Edges uncut. Several old horizontal and vertical folds. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 24330
[LIBRARY CATALOGUE]. Catalogue of books in Stirling's Public Library. Glasgow. Printed by William Reid and Co, 1805. Third edition. 8vo. [94]ff (of [97]ff), [pi]1, A1-4 (-A2-3), B-Z4 2A4( -2A4). With six additional leaves, completed in manuscript, forming a subject index of the library's contents. Lacking A2-3, and without the terminal leaf Aa4, which follows the printer's imprint and was thus presumably a blank. Contemporary gilt-tooled red roan, contrasting lettering-piece, marbled boards. Heavily rubbed and marked, with some loss to spine. Browning and spotting to preliminaries, ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 24782
POYER, John. The history of barbados, from the first discovery of the island, in the year 1605, till the accession of lord seaforth, 1801. London. Printed for J. Mawman, 1808. First edition. Quarto. xxix, [7], 8, [2], 9-668pp. With a list of subscribers. Bound by W. & G. Baird of Belfast in later half-calf, brown cloth boards, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Minor shelf-wear. Endpapers browned, binder's ticket and armorial bookplate of Anglo-Irish British Army officer and politician Hugh McCalmont (1845-1924) to FEP, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 30178
THOMPSON, George. Prison life and reflections; or, a narrative of the arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, treatment, observations, reflections, and deliverance of work, burr, and thompson, who suffered an unjust and cruel imprisonment in missouri penitentiary, for attempting to aid some slaves to liberty. New York. Printed by S. W. Benedict, 1848. Second edition. 12mo. 377pp, [1]. Original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth boards, recently rebacked with black cloth ruled and lettered in gilt. Boards rubbed and marked. Scattered spotting. Presentation copy, pencilled inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'From / the Author / G. T. - / Dec. 4/48'. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 29936
[NEWPORT-ON-TAY LITERARY SOCIETY]. [Manuscript minute book]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1883-90] Quarto. Manuscript on paper. [124] leaves. Manuscript register of members to rear. Contemporary gilt-stamped black half-calf, brown buckram boards, lettered in gilt to upper board. Extremities rubbed and marked, Marbled endpapers, hinges reinforced with blue cloth, label of Dundee based printer and stationer George Girdwood to FEP . More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 30953
[SHIPWRECK]. A narrative of the loss of the kent east indiaman, by fire, in the bay of biscay, on the 1st March, 1825. In a letter to a friend. Edinburgh. Published by Waugh & Innes, Edinburgh, 1825. First edition. 12mo. 78pp. Uncut in original drab boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Rubbed and marked. Upper joint split but boards remain firmly attached by the cords. Contemporary ownership inscription to head of FFEP. From the recently dispersed remains of the Stevenson family library, with no indication of such. More > £ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 31290
MACKENZIE, Compton. Prince charlie and his ladies. London. Cassell and Company, [1934]. First edition. 8vo. [8], 296pp. With a (misbound) photographic frontispiece. Extra-illustrated with 40 engraved plates (two coloured). Bound by Bayntun in contemporary gilt-tooled red half-morocco, red cloth boards, T.E.G. Very minor shelf-wear. Marbled endpapers, red morocco bookplate of W. A. Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 31065
SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Letters from percy bysshe shelley to elizabeth hitchener. Now first published. With an Introduction and Notes. London. Bertram Dobell, 1908. First trade edition. 8vo. li, [1], 351pp, [1]. Original publisher's navy cloth, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Lightly rubbed, lettering-piece chipped. Internally clean and crisp. William St. Clair's copy, with his pencilled ownership inscription to recto of FFEP and inked and pencilled notes to rear endpapers. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 28089