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[DUTCH PRINTING]. Rechten ende costumen van antwerpen. [Amsterdam?]. Ghedruckt tot Ceulen, 1644. Quarto. [16], 232pp.

[Bound with:] Ordonnantie ende Verhael vanden Stijl / ende Maniere van Procederen voor Amptman / Burghemeester / ende Schepenen der Stadt van Antwerpen. [Amsterdam?] Ghedruckt in't Jaer Christi, 1644. 35pp, [1].

[And:] By-Voechsel Vande costumen van antwerpen. [Amsterdam?] Tot Ceulen in't Jaer Christi, 1644. 16pp.

[And:] Die bliide incomste den hertochdomme van Brabant in voortijden by haren Landtsheeren verleent... [Amsterdam?] Tot Ceulen in't ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 29733
[RINK, Eucharius Gottlieb]. De veteris numismatis potentia et qualitate Lucubratio, occassione Rubrica Codicis de eodem Argumento; sive cognito totius rei numariae Ad intelligentiam iuris accomodata. Accessit dissertatio iuridica De numo unico, Cum multis aliis cognitioni Numorum conducentibus Veterum. Lipsiae & Francofurti [i.e. Leipzig and Frankfurt]. Typis & impensis Iodoci Wilhelmi Kohlesii, 1701. First edition. Quarto. [8], 197, [1], 86pp, [16]. With an engraved folding frontispiece and one further engraved plate. Later gilt- tooled sprinkled calf, brown morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, upper joint split, head of spine worn. Armorial bookplate of R. W. Cochran Patrick to FEP, marginal loss to leaves G3 and I4, scattered spotting. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 24044
JOHNSON, Samuel. PIOZZI, Hester Lynch.. Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. To which are added, some poems never before printed. Published from the original Mss. in her possession. Dublin. Printed for Messrs. R. Moncrief..., 1788. First Dublin edition. 8vo. Two volumes bound in one. xvi, 279, [1]; ix, [1], 306pp. Handsomely bound in contemporary sheep, gilt, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. A crisp copy, with faint crease to spine and a little scuffing to boards. Some damp-staining, most noticeably to the front endpapers. With bookplate of Murdock Library, Canterbury, to FEP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 11563
[D'AULNOY, Marie-Catherine, Madame]. Memoirs of the Present State of the Court and Councils of spain. In Two Parts. With the true Reasons why this Vast Monarchy, which in the last Century made so considerable a Figure in the World, is in this so Feeble and Paralytick. Done into English by T. Brown. London. Printed for D. Brown et al., 1701. First edition in English. 8vo. [8], 192, 187pp, [5]. With two final advertisement leaves. Contemporary speckled calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, chipping to lettering-piece. Armorial bookplate of Mary Hamilton Nisbet Ferguson to FEP, leaves toned/spotted, marginal ink-stain to p.13. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 16710
[CHRISTCHURCH, DORSET]. [Yes or no?]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [s.d., c.1845] Dimensions 290 x 450 mm. Manuscript on paper. [8]pp. Contemporary printed buff wrappers. Rubbed and marked.

[Together with:] [Drop-head title:] Yes or no? Dimensions 290 x 450 mm. Single leaf broadside. Old horizontal folds, some marginal loss. Two copies.

[And:] Four copies of a handbill entitled An appeal from the four in chains. To the inhabitants of Christchurch; three of which with a manuscript version of the above to blank ... More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 22327
[DENT, John]. [Drop-head title:] Catalogue of the second portion of the splendid, curious, and extensive library of the late john dent...which will be sold at auction, by mr. evans...On Wednesday, April 25, and Eight following Days, Sunday excepted. 1827. [London]. [Printed by W. Nicol], [1827]. First edition. 8vo. [2], 94pp, [2]. Stitched, as issued. Remnants of original publisher's salmon pink wrappers. Title lightly dust-soiled, dampstaining to terminal three leaves. With prices and buyers' names added in manuscript. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 31920
[WARD, Edward]. Honesty in Distress; but Reliev'd by No Party. A Tragedy, As it is Acted on the Stage, &c. London. Printed and Sold by Hen. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, 1708. 8vo. 15pp, [1]. Twentieth-century gilt-tooled buckram. Some browning to text. The Foyle copy, with gilt-tooled morocco Beeleigh Abbey booklabel to FEP, above another more recent example. An early manuscript addition to the title after 'As it is Acted on the Stage' reads 'Of ye: World'. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 32762
[ALMANACS]. COLEY, Henry. Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or the starry messenger, For the Year of our Redemption, 1704... London. Printed by Robert Everingham, for the Company of Stationers, 1704. [48]pp. Title page and calendar printed in red and black. ESTC T16929.

[Bound before:] COOKSON, William. Menologian or, an ephemeris of the Celestial Motions, For the Year of Our Lord MDCCIV... London. Printed by T. Ilive, 1704. [48]pp. First word of title transliterated from the Greek. Title page and calendar printed in red and black. ESTC T17001.

[And:] FISHER, John. Stella nova: Or, an almanack ... More >
£ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 25239
[ROYAL NAVY]. Log of the proceeding on board H. M. ship "Forte". [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1871-73] Folio. Manuscript on paper. [326]pp. Contemporary black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind. Heavily rubbed and marked, foot of spine and lower joint worn, corners exposed. Internally clean and crisp. With an engraved map showing the 1868-69 passage of the HMS Forte from England to Bombay, with later passage added in manuscript, and a sepia photograph of an unidentified vessel. More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30935
[REGENCY BALL EPHEMERA]. [Drop-head title:] Mr. cleavin's ball, At Mr. nisbett's the red lion inn, in kirton, On Wednesday the [14th] Day of November, 1810. Brigg. Ball, Printer, [1810]. Dimensions 140 x 190 mm. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Laid-down, several small holes, some spotting, date added in manuscript.

[Together with:] [Drop-head title:] Mr. h. cleavin's ball, At Mr. hill's the Swan Inn, in kirton, on Friday the 15th Day of November, 1811. Brigg. Ball, Printer, [1811]. Dimensions 160 x 210 mm. Single sheet, printed on one side only. Laid-down, creased, some spotting.

[And:] [Drop-head title:] Mr. ... More >
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 32332
[AUCTION CATALOGUE]. Norwich. Catalogue of the large & extremely interesting Collection of Articles of Vertu, consisting of dresden, sevres and english china, pottery, enamels, miniatures, ivory and wood carvings, cabinets, caskets, repousse work, medals, Egyptian, Roman and Mediaeval Antiquities...Being the Entire Collection of Mr. James Mills, which messrs. spelman have received instructions to sell by auction... Norwich. Jarrold & Sons, [1865]. First edition. Quarto. 59pp, [3]. Contemporary brown cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, boards damp-stained, spine sunned. Early inked ownership inscription and armorial bookplate of Clement Charles Rix Spelman to FEP, portrait photograph and paper label inscribed 'I Remain your affct. friend James Mills' to verso of title page, priced in manuscript. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 22658
HAYM, Nicolai Francisci. Nicolai francisci haym romani, thesauri britannici sev museum numarium, quo continentur numi graeci et latini, omnis metalli et formae, necdum editi, ab autore ipso caelati. Interprete aloysio comite cristiani, mediolanensi. Vindobonae [i.e. Vienna]. Ex officina Krausiana, 1763. [6], 296pp, [8]. With an engraved frontispiece (seemingly extracted from the first London edition) and 30 engraved folding plates.

[Together with:] HAYM, Nicola Francesco. Thesauri britannici pars altera, seu museum numarium conplexum numos graecos, et latinos omnis metalli, et formae necdum editos... Vindobonae [i.e. Vienna]. Typis Joannis Thomae de Trattnern, 1765. [28], 398pp, [10]. With 50 of 51 engraved folding plates (without plate No. 24). ... More >
£ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 24058