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MILLER, Joe. Joe Miller's jests or, the wits vade-mecum... [s.i.]. [s.n.], [s.d., c. 1860] 8vo. [2], 70pp. Uncut in contemporary navy morocco-backed decorated paper boards, ruled and lettered in gilt to spine. Extremities rubbed, marked, and browned, loss to head of spine. Endpapers browned, else internally clean and crisp. Red morocco bookplate of W. A. Foyle to FEP. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 31519
[GREEK POETRY]. WAGSTAFFE, William. Poetae graeci: sive selecta ex homeri odys. hesiodo, theocrito, callimacho...Cum vulgata Versione emendata. ac variis, partim Scholiastarum Graecorum, partim Doctorum recentiorum, Notis. In usum Regiae Scholae Etonensis. Editio nova, recognita et aucta. Etonae, [i.e. Eton]. Excudit M. Pote, 1796. Fifth edition. 8vo. iv, [2], 1-2, 7-148pp, 96pp only [i.e. sections of Homer's Odyssey, Hesiod and Theocritus excepted from the larger collection in both Greek and Latin, the former interleaved with blanks but lacking two printed leaves of the Odyssey]. Contemporary vellum, lettered in manuscript to spine. Marbled endpapers. Slightly rubbed and marked, text occasionally spotted. Bookplate of James Stewart to FEP, ink inscription to verso of FFEP, ... More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 12097
THOMAS, Helen. As it was, world without end. London. William Heinemann Ltd, 1926. First edition, new impression. 8vo. 116pp [6]. Original publisher's salmon cloth boards lettered in gilt, with the cream dustwrapper printed in red. Bottom edge uncut. New impression without the expurgated eight lines of an intimate scene. Internally bright and clean, endpapers a little toned, inscribed to FFEP by Henry Williamson to his wife for Christmas 1926. Spine slightly cocked, cloth faded. Wrapper toned and marked with some loss.

[With:] World ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 27924
[ROYAL KALENDAR]. The royal kalendar; or complete and correct annual register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1769... London. Printed for J. Almon et al., [1769]. xii, 277pp, [11]. With 48 engraved plates depicting 381 armorial bearings. ESTC N60818.

[Bound with:] RIDER, Cardanus. Rider's British Merlin: for the Year of our Lord God 1769... London. Printed by H. Woodfall, 1768. [60]pp. ESTC T155265.

12mo. Contemporary calf, gilt. Extremities worn, some surface loss, chipping and worming to spine, later naive glue repairs to foot. Hinges exposed. More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 23901
[SMILEWELL, Samuel]. The art of joking; or, an essay on witticism; in the manner of Mr. Pope's essay on criticism: with Proper Examples to the Risible Rules. To which is addedd The laws of laughing, and the contrast, or A Joke and a Jest, In small compass exprest. London. Printed for Joseph Deveulle, [s.d., 1774?] First edition. 8vo. 63pp, [1]. With a half-title. Uncut. Stitched, as issued. Closed central horizontal tear to browned and stained half-title. More > £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 25733
GILCHRIST, Octavius. An examination of the charges maintained by messrs. malone, chalmers, and others, of ben jonson's enmity, &c. towards shakspeare. London. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1808. First edition. [4], 62pp. With a half-title.

[Bound with:] GILCHRIST, Octavius. A letter to william gifford, Esq. on the late edition of ford's plays; chiefly as relating to ben johnson. London. Printed for John Murray, 1811. First edition. 45pp, [3]. With a half-title and a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements.

8vo. Modern half-cloth, marbled boards. A trifle rubbed. Scattered spotting, inked ownership inscription to head of title ... More >
£ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 25731
RASK, Rasmus. Angelsaksisk sproglaere tilligemed en kort laesebog. Stokholm. Trykt paa Mag. Wiborgs Forlag i det Hedmanske Bogtrykkeri, 1817. First edition. 8vo. [8], 44, 168pp. Contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, gilt supralibros of Francis Egerton to boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed and scored, spine chipped and dulled. Marbled endpapers, recent bookplate of Eric Gerald Stanley to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 20307
HENSLOWE, William-Henry. The phonarthron. Or, natural system of the sounds of speech; a test of pronunciation for all languages: also, the phonarithmon, and the phonodion. To which is added, a practical application of the phonarthron to english and french pronunciation; and to the reading of hebrew &c. London. Published by J. G. F. & J. Rivington, 1840. First edition. Quarto. ix, [3], 124pp. With a list of subscribers and a tipped-in errata slip. Partially unopened in original publisher's blue cloth. A trifle rubbed, surface loss to head of sunned spine, corners bumped. Very occasional creasing to leaves, foxed throughout. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 16704
LASHFOOLS, T.. A few serious words from the hon. t. lashfools to his friend's. [Edinburgh]. [P. Neill, Printer], [s.d., c. 1820] First edition. 8vo. iv, 36pp. Printed entirely in blue ink. With an engraved frontispiece depicting numerous caricatures of dancing gentlemen. Original publisher's light green wrappers. Rubbed, chipped, and damp-stained. Armorial bookplate of Sir William Purves Hume Campbell to verso of upper panel. More > £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 27527
[PERPETUAL ALMANAC]. [Manuscript perpetual almanac]. [s.l.]. [s.n.], [s.d., c. 1842] Dimensions 60 x 90 mm. Manuscript on paper. Two cards, housed in contemporary naive marbled paper wallet, the first a manuscript 'perpetual almanack', the other printed (on one side only) providing the dates of Feast and Saint Days. Contemporary inked ownership inscriptions of Francis Henry Heyman Shepherd to wallet and verso of manuscript card. Wallet rubbed and marked. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 24692
COWPER, W[illiam]. The life and whimsical adventures of john gilpin, citizen and linen-draper. To which is added, His Journey to Edmonton. London. Printed by T. Maiden, [1805]. 12mo. 35pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece. Uncut. Stitched, as issued. Contemporary inked ownership inscription to verso of frontispiece: 'Sarah Stevens / Wycombe Bucks / 1806', dust-soiled, small worm-track running through text-block - touching text at times, without loss of sense. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 28641
VERBOQUET LE GENEREUX. Les facetieuses rencontres de verboquet, Pour, réjouir les Mélancoliques. Contes plaisans pour passer le temps. A Troyes. Chez la Veuve Jacques Oudot & Jean Oudot, [s.d., 1735] 12mo. 35pp, [1].

[Bound with:] Les rencontres fantaisies et Coqs-a-l'asne facetieux du baron grateland... Troyes. Chez Pierre Garnier, [s.d., 1738]. [36]pp.

12mo. Nineteenth century gilt-tooled mottled calf, contrasting brown morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. Rubbed, loss to spine caps, corners exposed. Marbled endpapers, armorial bookplate of Richard Chase Sidney to FEP, blind-stamp of John Fowles to front blank fly-leaf, leaves browned and spotted. More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28453
[SATIRICAL HERALDRY]. The Heraldry of Nature; or, instructions for the king at arms: comprising, The Arms, Supporters, Crests, and Mottos, both in Latin and English, of the peers of E--l--d. Blazoned from the Authority of Truth, and characteristically descriptive of the several Qualities that distinguish their Possessors. To which is added several Samples, neatly etched by an eminent Engraver. London. Printed for M. Smith, 1785. First edition. 8vo. [2],ii,1-4,3-119,[1]. Pagination irregular, text apparently continuous. Several leaves misbound. With an engraved frontispiece and a further four engraved plates. Contemporary red calf-backed marbled paper boards. Rubbed, surface loss to spine. A majority of the anonymous peer titles completed in manuscript in an early hand. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 26234
[PATMORE, Peter George]. Rejected articles. London. Henry Colburn, 1826. First edition. 8vo. Uncut in original publisher's buff paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Extremities worn, loss to spine. Pencilled ownership inscription of William St. Clair to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 28214