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GRANVILLE, A[ugutus] B[ozzi]. The spas of germany. London. Henry Colburn, 1839. Second edition. 8vo. [2], lviii, [2], 516pp. With a half-title, a large engraved folding map, 14 engraved plates, 21 engraved vignettes, and a folding table. Original publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. A trifle rubbed and marked. Inked initials to front endpapers, else internally immaculate. A fine copy. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 20449
CLERKE, William, Revd. Sir . Thoughts upon the means of preserving the health of the poor, by prevention and suppression of epidemic fevers. Addressed to the inhabitants of the town of manchester, and of the several populous trading towns surrounding and connected with it. London. Printed for J. Johnson...And J. Edwards, 1790. First edition. 8vo. 27pp, [1]. Modern calf-backed marbled paper boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece to upper board. Very minor shelf-wear. Single early manuscript correction to p.11 More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28737
STEARNE, Johanne. Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, Seu de eis Parochorum Officiis, quae infirmos, et moribundos respiciunt. In Gratiam Juniorum, & in Visitandis Infirmis minus Exercitatorum Editus. Londini [i.e. London]. Prostant apud A Baldwin, 1704. Second edition. 12mo. [10], 120pp. A1 not present, likely duplicate title as of 1700 edition. Contemporary speckled calf, recently rebacked. Slight rubbing to extremities. Both front and rear pastedowns have worked loose, occasional marginal browning. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 12789
TURNBULL, A[lexander]. Treatment of the diseases of the eye, by means of prussic acid vapour, and other medicinal agents. London. John Churchill, 1843. First edition. 8vo. vi, ii, [1], 4-89, [7]. With an engraved frontispiece and two final leaves of publisher's advertisements. Original publisher's buff paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to upper board. Lightly rubbed, marked, and dulled. Offsetting to title page. Presentation copy, pencilled inscription to FEP. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 18469
[ROSS, Sir Ronald]. Two ross-manson letters. [London]. [Harrison and Son], [1929]. First edition. 8vo. 12pp. Sewn, as issued. A clean and crisp copy. Presentation copy, ink inscription to head of title: 'With Sir Ronald's Compliments'. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28727