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WESLEY, John. Primitive physic: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. Dublin. Printed by Wilkinson ans Courtney, 1809. Twenty-sixth edition. xx, [1], 22-132pp.

[Bound after:] TISSOT, [Samuel Auguste David]. Advice with respect to health. Extracted from dr. tissot. Dublin. Printed by Wilkinson and Courtney, 1809. Seventh edition. 228pp.

12mo. Recent half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece. Extremities a trifle marked. Lightly foxed, paper repairs to fore-edges of leaves D2-3 of first bound-work, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 17441
TIEDEMANN, Friedrich. GMELIN, Leopold. Recherches expérimentales, physiologiques et chimiques, sur la digestion... Paris. Chez J.-B. Baillière, 1827. First edition in French. 8vo. In two parts. xxiv, 417, [3], 326pp, [2]. With a half-title and a final errata leaf. Contemporary roan-backed marbled paper boards, ruled and lettered in gilt. Lightly rubbed, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. From the library of British physiologist John Yudkin (1910-1995), with his bookplate to FEP. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27757
CLERKE, William, Revd. Sir . Thoughts upon the means of preserving the health of the poor, by prevention and suppression of epidemic fevers. Addressed to the inhabitants of the town of manchester, and of the several populous trading towns surrounding and connected with it. London. Printed for J. Johnson...And J. Edwards, 1790. First edition. 8vo. 27pp, [1]. Modern calf-backed marbled paper boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece to upper board. Very minor shelf-wear. Single early manuscript correction to p.11 More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28737
[ROSS, Sir Ronald]. Medical life: Sir Ronald Ross Number. New York. Medical Life Press, May 1930 Quarto. [3], 228-267pp, [37]. With 12 terminal leaves of advertisements. Original publisher's printed buff wrappers. A trifle rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. Presentation copy, ink inscription to upper wrapper: 'J. T. Cambridge Esq. / with Sir Ronald's compliments 20.8.30'. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28729
[ROSS, Sir Ronald]. Two ross-manson letters. [London]. [Harrison and Son], [1929]. First edition. 8vo. 12pp. Sewn, as issued. A clean and crisp copy. Presentation copy, ink inscription to head of title: 'With Sir Ronald's Compliments'. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 28727
[ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS]. Report on examination of medical practitioners. Drawn up by a committee of the royal college of physicians of edinburgh. Received and ordered to be printed 7th may 1833. Edinburgh. Printed by Neill & Company, 1833. First edition. Quarto. viii, 132pp. With manuscript leaf by F. H. Davidson, President of the Royal College of Physicians, tipped in facing title, later ink-stamp of the Ministry of Health to verso. Uncut in modern cloth-backed paper boards, printed paper label to upper board. Scattered spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30597
MACBRIDE, David. A Methodical Introduction to the theory and practice of physic. London. Printed for W. Strahan et al., 1772. First edition. Quarto. [4], iii, [13], 660pp. With half-title. Recent calf-backed marbled boards, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Very minor wear to extremities. Small marginal worm-trail throughout a majority of the text-block - in no instance touching text, occasional browning and spotting. More > £ 275.00 Antiquates Ref. 12394
RUSSELL, Richard. A dissertation concerning the use of sea water In Diseases of the glands, &c. to which is added An epistolary dissertation To R. Frewin, M. D.. Oxford. Printed at the Theatre: and Sold by James Fletcher...and J. and J. Rivington, 1753. First edition. 8vo. [2], xv, [1], 398pp, [2]. With an initial imprimatur leaf, a terminal corrigenda leaf, and seven engraved plates. Recent half-calf, marbled boards, lettered in gilt. Rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. From the library of British physiologist John Yudkin (1910-1995), with his bookplate to FEP. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 17584
LOGAN, William. Observations on the effects of sea water in the scurvy and scrophula: in which A new Theory of those Diseases is attempted; with some Reasons why Bathing in Fresh Water must be much superior to that of the Sea. London. Printed for E. and C. Dilly, 1771. Second edition. 8vo. [4], 45pp, [1]. Recent grey paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. A clean and crisp copy. From the library of British physiologist John Yudkin (1910-1995), with his bookplate to FEP. More > £ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 17583
BALME, [Claude]. Observations et réflexions sur le scorbut, D'aprés celui qui a régné parmi les troupes français formant la garrison d'Alexandrie (en Egypte), pendant le Blocus et le Siége de cette ville, en l'an IX (1801), par les Armées combinées des Turcs et des Anglais. [Lyon]. [Impr. de Rusan], [1803]. First edition. [4], 31pp, [1]. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to Parisian physician M. Hamon to title page.

[Bound with:] [An unidentified French language article, likely an offprint from a contemporary medical periodical]. [Lyon. [s.n.], [1807]. 11pp, [1].

[And:] BALME, [Claude]. Procès-verbal De la Séance publique de la Société de Médecine de Lyon, tenue le 14 juin 1810, et compte rendu De ses travaux pendant les ... More >
£ 375.00 Antiquates Ref. 17014
BERKELEY, George. Siris: A Chain of Philosophical Reflexions and inquiries Concerning the Virtues of tar water, And divers other Subjects connected together and arising one from another. London. Re-printed For W. Innys, and C. Hitch...and C. Davis, 1744. Second edition, improved and correct by the author. 8vo. 174pp, [2]. Recent sheep-backed marbled paper boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, spine sunned. Recent book-label of John Stephens to FEP, inked ownership inscription of 'Danvers Osborm 1744' to head of title-page, with very occasional annotations in his hand, slight loss to upper corner of leaf O1. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 18715