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KERMODE, P[hilip] M[oore] C[allow]. Catalogue of the manks crosses with the runic inscriptions and various readings and renderings compared. [Ramsay] Isle of Man. C. B. Heyes, [1892]. Second edition. 8vo. [8], 60pp. With engraved illustrations in the text. Original publisher's blind-tooled brown cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. A trifle rubbed and marked, small circular paper label pasted to upper board. Photographic images of Manks crosses tipped-in to recto of FFEP and title page. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 32999
BYRON, Lord. Cain, A Mystery. London. Printed for the booksellers, published by W. Benbow, 1824. 12mo. 85, [1], 2pp. With a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Recent red half-cloth, marbled paper boards. Original publisher's printed buff wrappers bound in. Rubbed spine dulled, paper label of Nottingham Public Libraries to upper board. Library loan label to recto of FFEP, wrappers heavily rubbed and stained, paper repair to lower corner of upper wrapper, ink-stamps of Nottingham Public Libraries throughout, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 33017
[LITURGY - Greek]. Biblos tes demosias euches... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1665. [36], 126pp, [2]. With a terminal blank leaf. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204258, Wing B3632.

[Bound with:] Psalterion tou Dabid... En te Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge]. Exetypothe par' Ioannou Phieldou..., 1664. [2], 115, [3], 117-171pp, [1]. Title and imprint, including date, are transliterated from the Greek. ESTC R204259, Wing B2720A.

12mo. Recent calf-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt ... More >
£ 325.00 Antiquates Ref. 25869
O'MALLEY, L. S. S. Bengal district gazetteers. Saran. Calcutta. The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1908. First edition. 8vo. xvi, 177pp, [1]. With a coloured lithographed folding map housed in rear pocket. Original publisher's blind-stamped navy cloth, ruled and lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed and marked. Early inked ownership inscription of W. C. Macpherson to initial leaf. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32174
MILMAN, Rev. H[enry] H[art]. Belshazzar: a dramatic poem. London. John Murray, 1822. First edition. 8vo. iv, 162pp, [2]. Contemporary panelled calf, richly tool in gilt and blind, contrasting green morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges. Rubbed, some surface loss, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 33054
POLLARD, Captain Hugh B[ertie] C[ampbell]. Automatic pistols. London. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, [1920]. First edition. 8vo. ix, [1], 110pp. With a frontispiece and a further 15 plates. Original publisher's blind-stamped green cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Contemporary inked gift inscription to half-title. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 33010
[BABBAGE, Charles]. Annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution, for the year 1856. And the proceedings of the board up to january 28, 1857. Washington. A. O. P. Nicholson, 1857. First edition. 8vo. 467pp, [1]. Original publisher's blind-stamped green cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Rubbed, heavily marked and sunned. Book-label of Erwin Tomash to FEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 22390
BOWMAN, John. An introduction to practical chemistry, including analysis. London. John Churchill, 1858. Third edition. 8vo. xvi, 288pp. With numerous engraved illustrations in the text. Handsome contemporary prize binding, richly gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, supralibros of Queen's College, Belfast to both boards, marbled edges. A trifle rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, prize plate to FEP, occasional pencilled annotations, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 21113
FIELDING, Henry. An enquiry Into the causes of the late Increase of Robbers, &c. with some proposals for Remedying this Growing Evil. In which The Present Reigning Vices are impartially exposed; and the Laws that relate to the Provision for the Poor, and to the Punishment of Felons are largely and freely examined. London. Printed for A. Millar, 1751. Second edition. 12mo. xxxii, 203pp, [1]. With a half-title. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed and marked, some surface loss to upper board, worm-hole to head of spine. Early inked initials to recto of FFEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 32977
BARRIE, J. M. An edinburgh eleven. Pencil Portraits from College Life. London. Office of the"British Weekly", 1889. First edition. 12mo. 115pp, [5]. With a half-title and two terminal leaves of publisher's advertisements. Unopened in original publisher's tan cloth. Housed in modern black morocco-backed blue cloth slipcase. A trifle marked, spine slightly dulled, else a clean and crisp copy. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 32205
[SONGS]. An antidote against melancholy. Being a collection of Fourscore Merry songs, wherein Those on the same Subject and Key, are placed in an agreeable Succession, In Relation to the Different Measures of Time, After the Manner of suits of lessons. The Music of them all entirely new, and several of the Songs never before set to Music. London. Printed for Daniel Browne, 1749. First edition. 8vo. [2], 207pp, [1]. With a final page of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary speckled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt. Extremities rubbed, slight splitting to joints. Later typed bookseller/auction descriptions pasted to FEP, lightly spotted. More > £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 19735