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HORACE. Q. horatii flacci epistolae ad pisones, et augustum: with an english commentary and notes: to which are added critical dissertations. By the reverend mr. hurd. London. Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols: for T. Cadell, 1776. Fifth edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. In three volumes. xvi, 277, [1]; xix, [1], 247, [1]; [2], 265pp, [1]. Contemporary gilt-tooled speckled calf, contrasting black morocco lettering-pieces. Lightly rubbed and marked. Early inked ownership inscription to head of Vol. III title, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 33072
[BELOE, William]. The sexagenarian; or, the Recollections of a literary life. London. Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington, 1818. Second edition. 8vo. In two volumes. viii, 435, [1]; [2], 388pp. Contemporary panelled calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Rubbed, surface loss to boards, spines sunned. Marbled endpapers, armorial ink-stamps to versos of both FFEPs, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 33071
[SADE, Jacques Francois Paul-Aldonce de]. The life of petrarch. Collected from memoires pour la vie de petrarch. London. Printed for the author; and sold by J. Dodsley, 1776. Second edition. 8vo. In two volumes. xxx, 544, [12]; [2], 556pp, [12]. With an engraved frontispiece to Vol. I. Contemporary gilt-ruled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-pieces. Rubbed and marked. Early inked ownership inscriptions to title pages, very occasional light spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 33051
THE ORIGINAL EDITOR [i.e. WADE, John]. The extraordinary Black Book: an exposition of the united church of england and ireland; civil list and crown revenues; incomes, privileges, and power, of the aristocracy... London. Published by Effingham Wilson, 1831. 8vo. xx, 576pp. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary blind-tooled half-calf, marbled paper boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Armorial bookplate of Kilberry to FEP, frontispiece foxed, offsetting to title page, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 33009
[PINKERTON, John]. Select scotish ballads. London. Printed by and for J. Nichols, 1783. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. Two volumes bound as one. lxvi [i.e. lxvii], [1], 159, [1]; xli, [1], 200pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled tree-sheep, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Rubbed, some surface loss to boards, joints starting. Recent book-label of J. O. Edwards to FEP, without FFEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32987
IZACKE, Richard. Remarkable Antiquities of the city of exeter. Giving an Account Of the Laws and Customs of the Place, the Offices, Court of Judicature, Gates, Walls, Rivers, Churches, and Immunities: The Titles and Privileges of the several Incorporations: with their distinct Coats of Arms Engrav'd on Copper Plates... London. Printed for Edward Score, John March, and Nathaniel Thorne, 1723. 8vo. [2], iii, [1], 25, [26], 50-69, [1], 213pp, [67]. With an engraved frontispiece on the city's arms, a folding engraved view of the cathedral, and a folding engraved plan of the city. Recent half-calf, marbled paper boards, contrasting calf lettering-piece. Rubbed, spine sunned. Later inked ownership inscription to verso of title page, short tear to engraved plan at fold, naively repaired with tape to verso, ... More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32956
GRESWELL, Edward. A letter to his grace the duke of wellington, chancellor of the university of oxford, on the proceedings in the house of convocation, On thursday, the 23rd inst. Oxford. J. H. Parker, 1837. First edition. 37pp, [1].

[Bound after:] [GRESWELL, Edward]. An address to the members of convocation. Oxford. Baxter, [1837]. First edition. 15pp, [1].

[Bound before:] A NON-REGENT MASTER. The Question of the Initiative, and the course to be pursued in all Legislative Proceedings, in the House of Convocation in the University of Oxford, as argued from the Statute Book. A letter, privately addressed to the vice-chancellor, and each ... More >
£ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32940
TAGORE, Sir Rabindranath. Glimpses of bengal selected from the letters of Sir rabindranath tagore 1885 to 1895. London. Macmillan and Co., 1921. First edition. 8vo. vii, [1], 166pp, [2]. With a half-title and a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Original publisher's blue cloth, ruled and lettered in gilt. Without dustwrapper. Lightly rubbed, upper board a trifle soiled, spine dulled, corners bumped. Ink-stamp of the S.O.A.S. Dodwell Library to verso of title page. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32127
SMISSEN, [Alfred Louis Adolphe Graves] Baron van der. Souvenirs du mexique 1864-1867. Bruxelles [i.e. Brussels]. J. Lebegue & Cie., [1892]. First edition. 8vo. [4], 232pp. With three folding coloured maps. Contemporary brown morocco-backed marbled paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers, armorial bookplate to FEP, later bookplate of Joseph M. Gleason to recto of FFEP, short tear to one map at gutter. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 31053
MAURICE, Baron P.-E. On national defence in england. London. Parker, Furnivall, & Parker, 1852. First edition in English. 8vo. [2], xiv, 88pp. With a lithographed folding map. Modern light green cloth-backed marbled paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. Short tear to map at gutter, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 30224