Printed for A. Millar, 1751.
Second edition.
xxxii, 203pp, [1]. With a half-title. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed and marked, some surface loss to upper board, worm-hole to head of spine. Early inked initials to recto of FFEP, scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 32977
Printed and Sold by J. and W. Oliver, 1774.
First edition.
xx, 276pp. Later calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece, marbled edges. A trifle rubbed. Marbled endpapers, scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 23895
Printed for Akerman et al., 1822.
New edition.
In two volumes. lxxiv, [2], 444; 494pp. With 12 hand-coloured engraved plates. Handsomely bound in contemporary green calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed and marked, spines sunned. Marbled endpapers, armorial ink-stamps to versos of both FFEPs, scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 33043
Printed for Richard Sare, 1721.
Eighth edition.
412 [i.e. 416]pp. Contemporary panelled calf. Rubbed and marked, some surface loss to lower board. without pastedowns/free-endpapers, head of text-block shaved with occasional loss to running-titles, loss/tearing to leaves O7-8, R1-2, and Cc4 with loss of text and sense. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 33036
Printed by W. Blanchard, for James Schofield, bookseller, in Scarbrough et al., [1787?]
First edition.
viii, 192pp. Contemporary calf, recently rebacked. Housed in modern tan cloth clamshell case. Boards rubbed and marked. Scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 32914
Printed by W. Gracie, For J. Rennison, 1814.
In two volumes. 442; 394pp. Handsomely bound in contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed and marked. Scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 32928
Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1835.
Second edition.
In four volumes. [4], 175, [1]; [4], 191, [1]; [4], 173, [1]; [4], 180pp. Later red cloth, ruled and lettered in gilt. Lightly rubbed and marked, spines dulled, damp-staining to head of Vol. IV spine. Hinges exposed, recent inked gift inscription to front free- endpapers, near contemporary gift inscriptions to front blank fly-leaves, very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 27975
Printed and published by J. Gleave and Son, 1825.
612pp, [4]. With an engraved frontispiece, an additional engraved title page, and a further 10 engraved plates (one folding). Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, black morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed. Plates browned, folding plate split, marginal loss to leaf 3G, terminal leaf and rear endpapers dampstained, spotted. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 30382
Published by Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1824.
First edition.
viii, 240pp. With an engraved frontispiece and a further four engraved plates. Uncut in later navy crushed morocco-backed marbled paper boards. A trifle rubbed, spine stained and sunned. Scattered spotting. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 22613
Adam and Charles Black, 1838.
First edition.
[4], 227pp, [1]. Uncut in original publisher's gilt-stamped dark green cloth. Lightly rubbed and marked. Upper hinge exposed. Presentation copy, inscribed by the publisher to recto of FFEP: 'To William Lawson Esq. / From his Scotch Friend / Charles Black / Edinburgh / 9 April 1838'. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 20254
Printed for John C. Whttingham, 1819.
166pp. With an additional engraved title-page and five engraved plates by Richard Westall. Handsomely bound in contemporary black morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Slightest of rubbing to joints. Armorial bookplate of 'Jasper More' to FEP, plates a trifle browned, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 175.00
Antiquates Ref. 15357
[K. T. Anklesaria], 1920.
First edition.
[8], ix, [2], x-xxvii, 781pp, [3]. With 12 half-tone plates. Original publisher's green cloth, lettered in gilt. Heavily rubbed and marked, several small worm-holes to boards, spine panel worn, dulled, and detached. Hinges exposed, endpapers browned, some marking to title page. More >
£ 175.00
Antiquates Ref. 17330
J. H. Parker, 1837.
First edition.
37pp, [1].
[Bound after:] [GRESWELL, Edward]. An address to the members of convocation. Oxford. Baxter, [1837]. First edition. 15pp, [1].
[Bound before:] A NON-REGENT MASTER. The Question of the Initiative, and the course to be pursued in all Legislative Proceedings, in the House of Convocation in the University of Oxford, as argued from the Statute Book. A letter, privately addressed to the vice-chancellor, and each ... More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32940
[Bound after:] [GRESWELL, Edward]. An address to the members of convocation. Oxford. Baxter, [1837]. First edition. 15pp, [1].
[Bound before:] A NON-REGENT MASTER. The Question of the Initiative, and the course to be pursued in all Legislative Proceedings, in the House of Convocation in the University of Oxford, as argued from the Statute Book. A letter, privately addressed to the vice-chancellor, and each ... More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32940
Oxoniae [i.e. Oxford].
Excudebat Henric. Hall, 1677.
[6], 191pp, [1]. Without initial blank leaf. Modern speckled paper boards. Very occasional light spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 32962
Printed for J. Purser, 1735.
First edition in English.
viii, 62pp. Modern marbled paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to upper board. A trifle rubbed, spine dulled. Title page browned, remnants of paper label to head, scattered spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 22028
Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington, 1818.
Second edition.
In two volumes. viii, 435, [1]; [2], 388pp. Contemporary panelled calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind, marbled edges. Rubbed, surface loss to boards, spines sunned. Marbled endpapers, armorial ink-stamps to versos of both FFEPs, scattered spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 33071
Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper, 1746.
First edition.
79pp, [1]. Contemporary calf-backed marbled paper boards. Heavily worn, without backstrip. Ink stain to FFEP, ink inscription of 'William March 1765' to recto of detached front fly-leaf, paper repair to gutter margin of title page, dust-soiling and scattered spotting throughout. From the library of Church of England clergyman and religious controversialist Joseph Mendham (1769-1856). More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 12280
Printed for C. Bathurst et al., 1769.
New edition.
[10], 578pp, [2]. With an engraved frontispiece depicting Pope's memorial. Contemporary panelled calf, richly tooled in gilt and blind. Marbled edges. Heavily rubbed, some surface loss to boards, lightly marked. Marbled endpapers, scattered spotting. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 33123
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844.
First edition.
[10], 173pp, [3]. With a terminal leaf of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled red morocco, A.E.G. A trifle rubbed and dulled, upper joint starting. Internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 28819
Published by J. Ridgway, 1848.
First edition.
44pp. Modern brick red cloth-backed marbled paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece to spine. A clean and crisp copy. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 30223