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POLLARD, Captain Hugh B[ertie] C[ampbell]. Automatic pistols. London. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, [1920]. First edition. 8vo. ix, [1], 110pp. With a frontispiece and a further 15 plates. Original publisher's blind-stamped green cloth, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, spine dulled. Contemporary inked gift inscription to half-title. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 33010
[POLITE ACADEMY]. The Polite Academy, or school of behaviour for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. Intended as a Foundation for good Manners and polite Address, in Masters and Misses... London. Printed for R. Baldwin...and B. Collins, 1762. 12mo. xxxvi, 108pp. With an engraved frontispiece and a further eight engraved plates, of 12. Without three plates. Contemporary calf-backed vellum-tipped marbled paper boards, paper label with title in manuscript to upper board. Small hole and remnant of early ownership inscription to front blank fly-leaf, pen-trials to RFEP. More > £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 28464
[PINKERTON, John]. Select scotish ballads. London. Printed by and for J. Nichols, 1783. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. Two volumes bound as one. lxvi [i.e. lxvii], [1], 159, [1]; xli, [1], 200pp. Contemporary gilt-tooled tree-sheep, contrasting red calf lettering-piece. Rubbed, some surface loss to boards, joints starting. Recent book-label of J. O. Edwards to FEP, without FFEP, scattered spotting. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 32987
O'SHEA, John Augustus. Romantic spain: A Record of Personal Experiences. London. Ward and Downey, 1887. First edition. 8vo. In two volumes. xiii, [1], 311, [1]; ix, [1], 317pp, [1]. Contemporary red half-morocco, tooled in gilt and blind, red cloth boards, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed and marked, spines dulled. Marbled endpapers, contemporary inked ownership inscription to half-title of Vol. II, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 33044
OPIE, Amelia. Tales of the pemberton family; for the use of children. London. Published by Harvey & Darton, 1825. First edition. 12mo in 6s. [4], 104pp. With a half-title, engraved frontispiece and one further engraved plate. Original publisher's gilt-tooled green roan-backed marbled boards, with the original price of 1s 6d stamped to spine. Rubbed, with some surface loss to boards. Some spotting, offsetting and marking to text, occasional marginal loss. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to FFEP: 'Elizabeth Freeman with Amelia Opie's love -'. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 30226
ONE WHO HAS BEEN "ALMOST WORRIED TO DEATH". The greatest plague of life or the adventures of a lady in search of a good servant. Edited by the brothers mayhew. London. George Routledge and Sons, [1892]. 12mo. [2], 285pp, [1]. With an engraved frontispiece, and engraved vignette to title, and a further 11 engraved plates by George Cruikshank. Contemporary gilt-tooled dark green half-morocco, green cloth boards, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, contemporary inked gift inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf, plates foxed. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 33040
O'MALLEY, L. S. S. Bengal district gazetteers. Saran. Calcutta. The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1908. First edition. 8vo. xvi, 177pp, [1]. With a coloured lithographed folding map housed in rear pocket. Original publisher's blind-stamped navy cloth, ruled and lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed and marked. Early inked ownership inscription of W. C. Macpherson to initial leaf. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32174
OATEN, Edwd. Farley. European travellers in india during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; the evidence afforded by them with respect to indian social institutions, & the nature & influence of indian government. London. Kegan Paul Trench Trübner and Company, 1909. First edition. 8vo. xiv, [2], 274pp, [2]. Original publisher's red cloth, stamped in gilt and blind. Lightly rubbed, fore-edge a trifle stained. Scattered spotting. Armorial bookplate of Florence Mary Head to FEP. Presentation copy, inked inscription to recto of FFEP: 'To Miss Head with the Author's homage', further inscription to recto of front blank fly-leaf: 'This book, which describes the adventures of Englishmen and other Europeans who travelled ... More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 25702
[NORTHERN INDIA]. [Two photograph albums]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [1929-35] I: Oblong quarto. 30 photographs mounted on 30 leaves. Contemporary light green embossed cloth, paper label to upper board title in manuscript 'Lahore, Cricket Teams, Khyber Pass, and Family Groups'. Rubbed and marked, joints split.

II: Oblong quarto. 21 photographs mounted on 12 leaves bound with string in contemporary reversed half-calf, beige cloth boards, paper label to upper board titled in manuscript 'Kangra Valley'. Rubbed ... More >
£ 900.00 Antiquates Ref. 25280
[NEW ZEALAND]. Stories about many things. Founded on facts. London. Printed for Harvey and Darton, 1833. First edition. 12mo. 84pp. Original publisher's green roan-backed marbled paper boards. Rubbed, spine heavily worn, upper board detached. Near contemporary inked gift/ownership inscriptions to front endpapers, FFEP and dampstained frontispiece detached, scattered spotting. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 27971
MITRA, Subal Chandra. Isvar chandra vidyasagar: a story of his life and work. Calcutta. Printed and Published by Sarat Chandra, 1902. First edition. 12mo. [4], ii, xii, xiv, 675pp, [1]. With six photographic plates. Original publisher's dark green cloth, stamped in gilt and blind. Rubbed and marked, paper shelf-label to foot of spine, corners bumped. Book-label of Allahabad- based advocate Pandit Sundar Lal to FEP, text-block split in two, occasional long tears. More > £ 250.00 Antiquates Ref. 32183
MILTON, John. The poetical works of john milton. London. Printed for Longman, Orme and Co. et al., 1838. 8vo. [2], xi, [1], 551pp. With engraved frontispiece and an additional engraved title page. Contemporary gilt-tooled green calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Marbled endpapers and edges. Early ownership inscription of Mary Harris to head of title page. Lightly rubbed and marked, slight spotting to endpapers and flyleaves, otherwise internally clean and crisp. More > £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 33125
MILMAN, Rev. H[enry] H[art]. Belshazzar: a dramatic poem. London. John Murray, 1822. First edition. 8vo. iv, 162pp, [2]. Contemporary panelled calf, richly tool in gilt and blind, contrasting green morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges. Rubbed, some surface loss, spine sunned. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 33054
MILMAN, Rev. H[enry] H[art]. The fall of jerusalem: a dramatic poem. London. John Murray, 1825. New edition. 8vo. [3], vi-vii, [1], 167pp, [1]. Without half-title. Handsomely bound in contemporary calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting black morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges. Lightly rubbed and marked. Marbled endpapers, early inked ownership inscription to head of title page, scattered spotting. More > £ 75.00 Antiquates Ref. 33045
MICHELET, [Jules]. The history of france. London. Chapman and Hall, 1844-46 First edition in English. 8vo. In two volumes. vi, 636; iv, 656pp. Handsomely bound in contemporary dark green calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting red and tan morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges. A trifle rubbed, spines sunned. Marbled endpapers, inked gift inscription to front blank fly-leaf of Vol. I, scattered spotting. More > £ 125.00 Antiquates Ref. 32997
MERIVALE, John Herman. Poems original and translated. London. William Pickering, 1844. New and corrected edition. 8vo. xviii, [2], 347pp, [3]. Handsome Harrow School prize binding of contemporary calf richly tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, marbled endpapers. Slightest of spotting to extremities. Marbled endpapers, prize bookplate of Harrow School to FEP, internally clean and crisp. More > £ 150.00 Antiquates Ref. 15358