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MEREDITH, Constance A. [compiler]. Whisperings from the great: An Autograph Birthday Album. London. Henry Frowde, 1906. Quarto. Unpaginated. Two calendar dates to a page with quotations opposite, both with red borders and fleur-de-lis decoration to corners. Finely bound in contemporary red half-morocco, vellum boards, stamped and lettered in gilt, T.E.G. Lightly rubbed and discoloured, corner's bumped. Marbled endpaper, near contemporary inked ownership inscription to front blank fly-leaf, partially completed, two charmingly naive watercolour illustrations pasted in. More > £ 125.00 On Sale: £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 23357
[ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH]. Treatises on mechanical drawings: on the arms in use: on permanent fortification: the attack and defence of fortresses: and on military marines. Compiled by the professor and instructors, and printed for the use of The Gentlemen Cadets, at the royal military academy, woolwich. Woolwich. Printed by E. Jones, Library, Thomas Street, January, 1847 [4], 144pp. Some marking and occasional marginal annotations/drawing.

[Bound with:] GORE, R[alph]. Notes on fortification. Manuscript on paper, [2], 39pp. With decorative title and 15 hand sketched fortification diagrams.

Quarto. Contemporary burgundy half morocco, cloth, gilt, lettered 'Fortification Notes. / R.M.A. / R. Gore. Rubbing to extremities, marking to boards. More >
£ 950.00 On Sale: £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 16293
[FORD, John Walker]. [Three volumes of manuscript commonplace, with extensive notes on horticulture and planting]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [s.d., c.1905] 8vo. Manuscript on paper. Three volumes; two in contemporary gilt-ruled red morocco, marbled edges (predominantly filled, the second with numerous leaves excised); the third, black half-calf over marbled boards, marbled edges (with many leaves unused). Extremities a trifle rubbed. Internally clean and crisp. Bookplates of John Walker Ford to FEPs of both full-calf volumes. More > £ 950.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 14484
JONSON, Ben. The Three Celebrated plays Of that Excellent Poet Ben Johnson. Viz. The Fox, a Comedy. The Alchymist, A Comedy. The Silent Woman, a Comedy... London. Printed for W. Feales, [1732]. 12mo. [2], 96; 96; 100; 35pp, [1]. Each of the plays has a separate dated title page, pagination and register. With an engraved frontispiece and a final page of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary gilt-tooled calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Extremities heavily rubbed, lower joint split, loss to head of spine, corners bumped. Internally clean and crisp, occasional inked highlighting to terminal catalogue. More > £ 750.00 On Sale: £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 20588
[VOTING REGISTER]. The register of freeholders. In pursuance of An act passed in the Twenty-eight Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for the better securing the Rights of Persons qualified to vote at County Elections. London. Printed by Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, 1788. Folio. [540]pp. ’An Act for the better securing the rights of persons qualified to vote at county elections’ has a caption title on 6L2r with a general title page on 6L1r. Contemporary speckled sheep, cloth ties. Heavily worn and marked, boards held by cords only. Later armorial bookplate of Marmion Edward Ferrers (bap. 1813, d. 1884) to FEP, margins trimmed close, with occasional loss to running-titles ... More > £ 1,500.00 On Sale: £ 1,200.00 Antiquates Ref. 27036
BONHOTE, Mrs.. The parental monitor. Dublin. Printed by William Porter, 1788. 12mo. Two volumes bound as one. x, 162; [3], 166-326pp. Later gilt-ruled half-calf, marbled boards. A trifle rubbed. Inked ownership inscription of Fanny Butler to head of Vol. I title page, inked gift inscription to head of p[iii]: 'The gift of Fanny Butler to Margaret Ellinore Cooker.' More > £ 1,250.00 On Sale: £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 25703
[GREEN, George Smith]. The nice lady: a comedy. London. Printed by J. Medley, 1762. First edition. 8vo. vi, [4], 107pp, [3]. Contemporary gilt-tooled green half-calf, marbled boards. Heavily rubbed, upper joint split, loss to head and foot of spine. Later manuscript notes regarding authorship to FEP and title page, foxed. More > £ 375.00 On Sale: £ 200.00 Antiquates Ref. 25390
CLARKE, James Stanier, Rev. M'ARTHUR, John.. The life of admiral lord nelson, k. b. from his lordship's manuscripts. London. Printed by T. Bensley...for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1809. First edition. Quarto. In two volumes. vii, 15, [1], xlv, [1], 375, [1]; [2], 511pp, [1]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece to each volume, 10 further engraved plates, and four engraved vignettes. Extra-illustrated with 21 engraved plates. Nine manuscript documents, two facsimile letters, [2]pp description of Naples, three leaves of The Times newspaper, and a broadside variously bound, tipped-in, or loosely inserted. Recent half calf, tooled in gilt ... More > £ 3,750.00 On Sale: £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 24111
A KEMPIS, Thomas. The Imitation of Christ: being the autograph manuscript of thomas a kempis, De Imitatione Christi, reproduced in facsimile from the original preserved in the royal library at brussels. With an introduction by charles ruelens, Keeper of the Department of Manuscripts, Royal Library Brussels. London. Elliot Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.C., 1879. 16mo in 4s. [2], 5-16pp, [236], including four blank leaves. Without the initial advertisement leaf (likely not included in this limited vellum issue). Contemporary gilt-tooled and panelled brown morocco, A.E.G., by Ramage. Rubbed to extremities, cracking to joints with short chip at head of upper joint. From the recently dispersed family library of the descendants of John Duke Coleridge (1820-1894), inscribed 'C. Coleridge, 1 Sussex Square, 1879' to ... More > £ 2,000.00 On Sale: £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 28000
LE BEAU, [Charles]. The history of the lower empire; beginning from Constantine the Great. Translated from the French of M. Le Beau. Volume the first. London. Printed for T. Davies, 1770. First edition in English. 8vo. Volume I, all published. xxxi, [1], 390pp. With half-title. Uncut in original publisher's drab paper boards. Without spine panel, rubbed and marked. Paste-downs sprung, short marginal tear to leaf T7, else internally immaculate. More > £ 850.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 16219
HUTCHINS, John. The history and antiquities of the county of Dorset: compiled from The best and most ancient Historians, Inquisitiones post Mortem, and other valuable Records and mss. in the Public Offices, and Libraries, and in private Hands. With a copy of domesday book and the inquisitio gheldi for the County: interspersed with Some remarkable Particulars of natural history; and adorned with A Correct map of the county, and views of Antiquities, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, &c... In two volumes. London. Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1774. First edition. Folio. Two volumes. With the subscribers' list sometimes discarded; [12], lxxx, 24, xxix, 8, 12, [618]; [4], 528, 61pp, [1]. With 10 folding pedigrees, a portrait of the author, the folding map of the county, and 59 engraved plates (a full five further plates than are called for in the indexed list, including a charming north east view of Dorchester, and another of Woolcombe Hall, seat ... More > £ 950.00 On Sale: £ 625.00 Antiquates Ref. 23057
A TRUE PENITENT. The folly, sin, and danger of Marrying widows, and Old Women in General, demonstrated; And earnestly address'd to the Batchelors of Great Britain. London. Printed for J. Robinson, [1746]. First edition. 31pp, [1]. ESTC T109649.

[Bound with:] A dialogue between King richard III. And his Adopted son richard IV. Dublin,
Printed: London, Re-printed for John Warner, 1744. [2], 5-30pp. ESTC T166081.

8vo. Later dark green roan-backed green paper boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Lightly rubbed, upper board heavily stained. Long horizontal tear to text leaf B1 of first mentioned work, without loss, slight loss to ... More >
£ 1,250.00 On Sale: £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 29061
[RICHARDSON, Thomas]. The diverting history of tom thumb. Derby. Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830] 11pp. With a hand-coloured engraved frontispiece.

[Together with:] The surprising history of ali baba, or, the forty thieves. Derby. Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830]. 12pp. With a hand-coloured engraved frontispiece.

[And:] The interesting story of beauty and the beast. Derby. Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830]. 12pp. With a hand-coloured engraved frontispiece.

[And:] The renowned history of jack the giant killer. Derby. Thomas Richardson, [s.d., c.1830]. 12pp. With ... More >
£ 1,250.00 On Sale: £ 750.00 Antiquates Ref. 26052
[TRADE MANUSCRIPT]. POULTER, Charles. The diary and life of charles poulter. [s.i.]. [s.n.], 1856. Third edition. 8vo. Manuscript on paper. [108] leaves, [26] completed in a single, close, legible hand; the remainder unused. Contemporary green calf, tooled in gilt and blind, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, A.E.G. Extremities rubbed and marked, spine dulled. Marbled endpapers, with five engraved illustrations bound in, one as a 'frontispiece', later genealogical notes in three distinct hands to verso of RFEP. More > £ 500.00 On Sale: £ 350.00 Antiquates Ref. 19489
WHITAKER, Jeremiah. The Danger of Greatnesse: or, uzziah HIs Exaltation and Destruction: set forth in a sermon preached Before the Right Honourable the lords and commons assembled in Parliament... London. Printed by G[eorge] M[iller] for John Bellamie, 1646. [8], 44pp. With an initial imprimatur leaf. ESTC R200519, Wing W1711.

[Together with:] NEWCOMEN, Matthew. The all-seeing unseen Eye of God. Discovered, in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons... London. Printed by A[braham] M[iller] for Christopher Meredith, 1647. [4], 48pp. ESTC R201280, Wing N904.

[And:] NEWCOMEN, Matthew. The craft and cruelty of the churches adversaries, Discovered In a Sermon Preached at St. ... More >
£ 3,750.00 On Sale: £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 28577
[LITURGY - English]. The book of Common-Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments; And other Parts of Divine Service For the Use of the Church of Scotland... Edinburgh. Printed by James Watson, 1712. 8vo. [30], 308, [2], 309-429pp, [1]. Title page in red and black. Leaf B1 is a cancellans with 'nople asure' in line eight of text corrected to 'no pleasure'. Some copies have both states of B1, the present copy does not. Handsomely bound in later richly gilt-tooled dark green morocco, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed. Elaborate brocade endpapers, armorial bookplate of Thomas Maitland Dundrennan to FEP, internally clean ... More > £ 750.00 On Sale: £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 23533
[FRANKLIN, Benjamin]. The art of swimming; made Safe, Easy, Pleasant, & Healthful... London. Printed and Sold by J. Bailey, [s.d., c.1810?] 24pp. With a hand-coloured engraved frontispiece - severely shaved by the binder, with the loss of the six depictions of swimming figures surrounding the central image in the original plate. Textblock shaved to very narrow margins (loss of part of A2 at foot).

[Bound after:] [SIMPSON, James]. A visit to flanders, in july, 1815, being chiefly an account of the field of Waterloo... Edinburgh. Printed ... More >
£ 950.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 21674