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ANGELUS A SANCTO FRANCISCO. Certamen seraphicum provinciae angliae pro sancta dei ecclesia. In quo breviter declaratur, quomodo Fratres Minores Angli calamo & sanguine pro Fide Christi Sanctaque eins Ecclesia certarunt. Duaci [i.e. Douai]. Typis Baltasaris Belleri, 1649. Quarto. [24], 356pp. Without additional engraved title-page, with five engraved plates. Contemporary calf, morocco lettering-piece, spine richly gilt. Rubbed, slight loss to head of spine. Armorial bookplate of Robert James Lord Petre to FEP alongside late nineteenth-century book-label of Gulielmi O'Brien and shelf-label of Milltown Park Library, FFEP very nearly detached - with booksellers catalogue descriptions pasted to recto, ink-stamp of Milltown Park Library to title, ... More > £ 750.00 On Sale: £ 500.00 Antiquates Ref. 15483
DE PUIS, Guillaume. Guilielmi puteani, Medici Grationopolitani, de occultis pharmacorum purgantium facultatib. Deque Veris ipsarum Causis, Libri duo. Quibis adjecta est Appendicula, de purgatrice Medicamentorum Facultate. Auctore Jacobo Cusinoto... Lugdani, [i.e. Lyon]. Sumpt. Michaelis Duhan, 1664. Second edition. 8vo. [16], 206pp, [2]. With extra-engraved title and final blank. Finely bound in contemporary English red morocco, panelled in gilt with further gilt to spine. Marbled pastedowns, A.E.G. Slightly rubbed and a little marked, bumping to corners, else a handsome copy. Robert Traver's copy, with his ink inscription 'Liber Robert Travers, M.D., e Coll. S. Trinitatis apud Dublinienses' to verso of blank fly-leaf, and a rather ... More > £ 1,750.00 On Sale: £ 1,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 14435
HERDER, Johann Gottfried von. Der Cid nach spanischen Romanzen. Stuttgart und Tubingen. Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1838. First illustrated edition. Quarto. [6], 238pp. With an engraved half-title, an additional engraved title-page, and numerous engraved illustrations in the text by Eugen Neureuther. Handsomely bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled tree-calf, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, A.E.G. Rubbed, some surface loss to upper board. Marbled endpapers, armorial bookplate of Edward Nicholas Hurt to FEP, foxed throughout. More > £ 125.00 On Sale: £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 16891
LE BEAU, [Charles]. The history of the lower empire; beginning from Constantine the Great. Translated from the French of M. Le Beau. Volume the first. London. Printed for T. Davies, 1770. First edition in English. 8vo. Volume I, all published. xxxi, [1], 390pp. With half-title. Uncut in original publisher's drab paper boards. Without spine panel, rubbed and marked. Paste-downs sprung, short marginal tear to leaf T7, else internally immaculate. More > £ 850.00 On Sale: £ 450.00 Antiquates Ref. 16219
CLARK, Rev. John. Memoirs of the late Reverend John Clark, written by himself; and at his request, published, with remarks by William Jay. Bath. Printed and Sold for the Author by M. Gye et al., 1810. First edition. 8vo. viii, 179pp, [1]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and one plate. Finely bound by Chivers, although not identified as such, in contemporary navy half morocco, blue cloth boards, gilt, A.E.G., marbled endpapers. Slight rubbing to extremities. Offsetting to title, sporadic foxing throughout, plate detached. More > £ 100.00 On Sale: £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 12992
HEWLETT, John Rev.. A vindication of the authenticity of the Parian Chronicle, in answer to a dissertation on that subject, lately published. London. Printed for John Edwards, 1789. First edition. 8vo in 4s. [4], 178pp, [6]. With an engraved plate depicting the Parian Chronicle. Contemporary half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. Rubbed, substantial surface loss to spine, lettering-piece working loose, light damp-staining to boards. Upper hinge cracked, ink inscription to FEP reading 'Ex Libris Jacob Hebard', ink inscription of '(?) Parker Nov 3. 1858' to head of title, offsetting from plate. More > £ 250.00 On Sale: £ 100.00 Antiquates Ref. 13127
TAILLEFER, Nugent. Rondeaus of the British Auxiliary Forces. London. Stanley Lucas, Weber & Co., 1883. Ninth edition. 8vo. viii, 24, 24a-24z, 24aa-24xx, 25-168pp, [2] advertisements. Original publisher's red cloth, gilt. Ink staining and some fading to binding. Small split to spine and rubbing to extremities. More > £ 75.00 On Sale: £ 50.00 Antiquates Ref. 10501