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Naval and Military

DANCE, Col Sir C.W.. A letter to his grace to duke of wellington...on the application of steam power to civil and military purposes. London. James Ridgway and Sons, 1837. First edition. 8vo. [2], 26pp. Stitched, as issued. Worn, with some tearing, marking, small hole to final leaf (without loss of sense).

[With:] [An archive of manuscript and printed ephemera relating to Dance, his military service, friendship with the Duke of Wellington, and his descendants].

- Military documents, letters and ephemera: including a bilingual pass, signed by Wellington, permitting Major Dance to 'go by post Horses' from Portalegre ... More >
£ 3,600.00 Antiquates Ref. 17181
[HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY]. [A collection of largely eighteenth-century pamphlets and broadsides relating to the Honourable Artillery Company]. London. [vs.], 1786-1813 Folio, 8vo and others. This collection consists of:

- Lists of the chiefs, officers, court of assistants, members, &c. of the honourable Artillery Company. In the year 1788. London. Printed by Stephen Clark, [1788]. 20pp. With extra-engraved title page. ESTC T301314. And two similar, for the years 1797 and 1816. All in contemporary marbled paper wrappers, some light staining.

- An address to the inhabitants of london from the ... More >
£ 3,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 14449
[STANDING ARMIES]. Rules and directions For all such persons as Are obliged to find or contribute, either towards horse or foot, in the militia... London. Printed for T. Gardner, 1739. First edition. 23pp, [1]. With a half-title. ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (Guildhall and Oxford), and none elsewhere. ESTC T177449.

[Bound with:] [TRENCHARD, John]. An argument, Shewing, that a Standing Army Is inconsistent with A Free Government, and Absolutely destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy. London. [s.n.], Printed in the Year 1697. iv, 30pp, [2]. With a terminal advertisement leaf. ... More >
£ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 22717
LAWRENCE, T.E.. Revolt in the desert. London. Jonathan Cape 30 Bedford Square, 1927. First English edition (Limited edition, no. 63/300). Quarto. [2], 445pp, [1]. With half-title/limitation, coloured frontispiece portrait of Lawrence, eighteen further illustrations, nine of which are coloured, and a large folding map to rear. Original publisher's brown quarter-pigskin over sand-coloured buckram boards, gilt. Dustwrapper. T.E.G., others uncut. A remarkably preserved copy, with only the slightest of shelf-wear externally, bookplate (a skull with the initials PMF) and slight marking to FEP, else fine. Dustwrapper (correctly ... More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 22016
BELL, Thomas. A short essay on Military First Principles. London. Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1770. First edition. 8vo. [4], xii, 223pp, [1]. Sumptuously bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled red morocco, contrasting black morocco lettering-piece, A.E.G. Lightly rubbed, a trifle marked, ink-stain to upper board. Marbled endpapers, recent bookplates of John Arthur Brooke and Ian Paton to FEP and FFEP respectively. More > £ 2,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 15222
[12TH ROYAL LANCERS]. [An attractive scrapbook predominantly comprised of material relating to the 12th Royal Lancers]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [s.d., 1860s-70s] Oblong folio. [34] leaves, of which 23 used, the remainder blank. Containing, inter alia, 13 hand-drawn watercolour postal fronts, 20 watercolours/pen and ink sketches, and 34 photographs, primarily depicting members of the Royal Lancers. Contemporary gilt-ruled half crushed morocco, brown cloth boards, lettered in gilt to upper board 'A. F. 12th. R. L.', T.E.G. Lightly rubbed and marked. More > £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 27689
[ENGLISH ARMY]. A Prospect of His Majestie’s forces as they ly encamped (at least three Miles in length) on Honslow-Heath in the county of Midlesex in the year 1686. [London]. Sold by J. Oliver...and J. Sellar junior, [s.d., c.1686?] Dimensions: Sheet - 490 x 310 mm; Engraved area - 462 x 230 mm. Single engraved sheet, folded vertically and housed in modern blue paper wrappers. Some old folds (with occasional minor tearing), offsetting, and browning - especially to gutter. Short tear to the head of spine of the enclosing wrappers. More > £ 2,000.00 Antiquates Ref. 22662
[MATCHAM, George]. [A journal containing manuscript accounts of Lord Horatio Nelson]. [s.i.]. [s.n.], [c. 1832] Quarto. Manuscript on paper. Contemporary red half-morocco, marbled paper boards, later paper label to upper board with manuscript title: 'Character of Lord Nelson as "Lord Victory" written by his brother-in-law George Matcham Partially Printed in "Anecdotes of a Croat"'. Extremities heavily rubbed. Marbled endpapers, upper hinge exposed, very occasional light dampstaining. From the recently dispersed Newhouse estate of the Eyre-Matcham family. More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 29311
MAROLOIS, Samuel. Fortification ou architecture militaire tant offensive que deffensive; Supputee et dessignee. Amsterdam. Chez Jan Janssen, 1627. First separate edition. Folio. In two parts. [4], 42, [2], 46pp. With an architectural engraved title page by Willem Outgertsz Akersloot (1600-1661), a double-page table, and 42 double-page engraved numbered plates (plates 14 and 17 duplicated in foliation), presenting some 170 examples of military fortification. Contemporary vellum. Extremities heavily worn and marked. Title page partially naively hand-coloured. Early ownership inscription of 'Jean Ernest Comte de Nassau' and later inscriptions ... More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 28834
MARSHALL, John. Royal naval biography; or, Memoirs of the Services of all the flag-officers, superannuated rear-admirals, retired-captains, post-captains, and commanders... London. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1823-1830 First edition. 8vo. In 12 volumes, Original publisher's blind-stamped dark green cloth, gilt. Extremities very lightly rubbed, spines a trifle sunned, top-edges dust-soiled. Contemporary armorial bookplates of James Whatman to all FEPs, recent bookplate of Robert J. Hayhurst to recto of FFEP of Vol. I, very occasional slight chipping to margins, lightly spotted. More > £ 1,500.00 Antiquates Ref. 20623
[NAPOLEONIC WARS]. [Caption title:] Bulletins of the campaign 1793. London. Printed by A. Strahan, [1793]. [2], 267pp, [1].

[Together with:] [Caption title:] Bulletins of the campaign 1794. London. A. Strahan, [1794]. [2], 399pp, [1].

[And:] [Caption title:] Bulletins of the campaign 1795. London. Printed by A. Strahan, [1795]. [2], 211pp, [1].

[And:] [Caption title:] Bulletins of the campaign 1796. [London]. [Printed by A. Strahan], [1796]. [2], 342pp, [1].

[And:] [Caption title:] Bulletins of the campaign 1797. London. Printed by A. ... More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 30168
LEO VI. Trattato brieve dello schierare in ordinanza gli eserciti et dell' apparar ecchiamento della guerra, Di Leone, per la Gratia di Dio Imperatore... In Venetia [i.e. Venice]. Appresso Francesco de' Franceschi Senese, 1586. Quarto. [40], 344 [i.e. 346]pp. Contemporary vellum, contrasting black calf lettering-piece. Marked and discoloured, old vellum repair to head of wormed spine. Hinges exposed, naive paper extensions to shaved margins of leaves Hh1-4. From the library of Giovanni Domenico Berio, marchese di Salza (d. 1791), which passed to his son, author and librettist Francesco Maria Berio (1765-1820), with their 'Ex Libris Marchionis Salsae' armorial bookplate on ... More > £ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 22668
[ROYAL NAVY]. [Drop-head title:] A list of the Flag-Officers of His Majesty's Fleet: with the dates of their First Commissions, as Admirals, Vice-Admirals, Rear-Admirals, and Captains. [London]. [s.n.], [1799]. [10], 120 leaves. Predominantly printed on versos only with rectos blank. ESTC T101523.

[Bound with:] [ROYAL NAVY]. An alphabetical list of the Commission Officers of his majesty's fleet: with the dates of their First Commissions. [London]. [s.n.], [1799]. 176pp. ESTC T101543.

8vo. Handsomely bound in contemporary richly gilt-tooled red morocco, contrasting morocco lettering-piece, A.E.G. A trifle rubbed and marked.Marbled endpapers, occasional spotting. More >
£ 1,250.00 Antiquates Ref. 24138
VERITAS. The letters of veritas, re-published from the montreal herald; containing A Succinct Narrative of the military administration of sir george prevost, During his Commnad in the canadas; Whereby it will appear Manifest, that the merit of preserving them from conquest Belongs not to Him. Glasgow. Re-printed by and for R. Chapman, 1815. 12mo. 111pp, [1]. Original publisher's printed yellow wrappers. Rubbed and dust-soiled, some loss to backstrip. Very small burn mark to foot of title page. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 32604
DALRYMPLE, Campbell. A military essay. Containing reflections on the Raising, Arming, Cloathing, and Discipline of the British Infantry and Cavalry; with Proposals for the Improvement of the same. London. Printed for D. Wilson, 1761. First edition. 8vo. In two parts. xx, 389pp, [3]. With a half-title and nine engraved folding plates. Contemporary tree-calf, later rebacked, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece. A trifle rubbed. Half-title, title page, and two terminal leaves browned. More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 22803
LEDIARD, Thomas. The naval history of england, In all its branches; from the norman conquest In the Year 1066. to the Conclusion of 1734... London. Printed for John Wilcox...and Oliver Payne, 1735. First edition. Folio. Two volumes bound as one. iv, [24], xii, 394, [2], 395-933pp, [1]. Printed in double columns. With an engraved portrait frontispiece and a terminal page of publisher's advertisements. Contemporary gilt-ruled speckled calf. Without lettering-piece. Rubbed, boards held by cords only, wear to head of spine. Light damp-staining to head of text-block, loss to lower corners of leaves 5S2 and 10G2, ink stains to p.159, very ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 15611
NAPIER, Major-General Sir W. F. P. History of the war in the peninsular and in the south of france, from the year 1807 to the year 1814. London. Published for the proprietor by Barthes & Lowell, 1876. New edition, revised by the author. 8vo. In six volumes. With 55 engraved plates. Contemporary richly gilt-tooled tree-calf, contrasting red and green morocco lettering-pieces, marbled edges, 'Ex munificentia alumnorum oratorii' in gilt to upper boards. Some rubbing to spines, cracking to joints, a little chipping to head and feet of spines.. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. Prize plate to FEP of Vol. I, with inked inscription: 'George Pereira / Second Prize ... More > £ 950.00 Antiquates Ref. 27994