Printed for James Carpenter and Son, 1836.
New edition.
xvi, 283pp, [1]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece, extra-illustrated with two engraved plates. Contemporary gilt-tooled black morocco, A.E.G. Rubbed. Silk endpapers, armorial plate depicting Rodney's coat-of-arms pasted to head of p.1, engraved portrait of Captain Bazeley pasted to foot of p.89, lightly foxed. More >
£ 200.00
Antiquates Ref. 15331
John Murray, 1838.
First edition.
xvi, 432pp. Contemporary navy half-calf, marbled boards, contrasting red morocco lettering-piece, gilt, marbled edges. Extremities worn. Marbled endpapers, internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 125.00
Antiquates Ref. 16488
Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1889.
Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee.
[4], xxxi, [1], 494pp. With half-title. Finely bound in red half morocco, gilt, buckram boards. Original printed paper wrappers bound in. George Meredith's copy, with his ink inscription to head of upper wrapper. A fine copy. More >
£ 375.00
Antiquates Ref. 13298
Harding and Lepard, 1832.
First edition.
[12], 12, 13, [1], 19, [1], 13, [1], 13, [1], 11, [1], 15, [1], 11, [1], 16, 12, 8, 11, [1], 16, 13, [1], 22, 41, [1], 8, 3, [1], 15, [1], 12pp. With 20 engraved plates. Contemporary navy calf tooled in gilt and blind, marbled boards, A.E.G. Some rubbing. Short marginal tear to one leaf, light foxing to plates, else internally clean and crisp. ... More >
£ 750.00
Antiquates Ref. 15557
Published by J. Nisbet, 1818.
First edition.
[8], 211pp, [1]. Contemporary calf, recently neatly rebacked. Rubbed with discolouration to boards. Hinges exposed, armorial bookplate of 'Letitia Le Poer French' to FEP, contemporary ink gift inscription to FFEP, occasional spotting. More >
£ 300.00
Antiquates Ref. 15407
Smith, Elder and Co., 1835.
First edition.
xvi, 448pp, [16]. With an engraved portrait frontispiece, four lithographic plates, an engraved folding plan, and a terminal publisher's advertisement catalogue. Uncut in original publisher's green cloth-backed drab paper boards, printed paper lettering-piece. Some rubbing, spots of marking, spine sunned, chipping to lettering-piece. Ink ownership inscription and armorial bookplate of 'Rear Admiral Sir Graham Hamond' to FEP, plates foxed, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 450.00
Antiquates Ref. 15555
Printed for A. Millar, 1758.
First edition.
[3], vi, [1], 8-32pp. Without half-title. Recent plain paper boards. Very minor wear to extremities. Recent endpapers, marginal pen-trials to p.32, else internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 15515
Printed by C. Roworth, for John White et al., 1803.
First edition.
[4], 111pp, [1]. Contemporary calf, recently rebacked with scorched remnants of richly gilt spine and contrasting morocco lettering-piece laid-on. Boards a trifle rubbed and marked. Recent blank endpapers, slightest of spotting to title-page, else internally clean and crisp. From the family library of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, with his armorial bookplate to front pastedown. More >
£ 350.00
Antiquates Ref. 15318
Constable & Co. Ltd., 1918.
First edition.
xviii, 280pp, [4]. With half-title, photographic frontispiece, and two terminal advertisement leaves. Original publisher's tan cloth, lettered in black. Very slight rubbing and bumping to extremities. Occasional pencil annotations to text, else an internally clean and crisp copy. Signed by the author 'John Pollock' to recto of FFEP, ink manuscript correction to a single word of preliminaries likely in the author's hand. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 14322
Harrison and Sons, Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, [1870].
First offprint edition.
18pp. With two engraved folding maps. Stitched, as issued. Lightly foxed throughout with the occasional spot of mild dust-soiling. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 13572
Witherby & Co., 1915.
lxiii, [1], vii, [1], 312pp. With a 7pp 'War Supplement to the Royal Navy List'. Original publisher's blind-tooled navy cloth, lettered in gilt. Sunned, with some marking. Clean and crisp internally but for slight loss to blank FFEP. More >
£ 175.00
Antiquates Ref. 14396
Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1739.
Second edition.
96pp. With a folding table. Contemporary calf, recent paper lettering-piece with title in manuscript, further titles and shelf marks in correction fluid, gilt. Rubbed, slight splitting to joints, loss to foot of spine. Bookplate of the Bath Public Reference Library to FEP, coloured pencil annotation to title, else clean and crisp. More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 13909
John Murray, 1863.
First edition.
ix, [1], 431pp, [1], 32pp publisher's catalogue. With half-title and an engraved portrait frontispiece. Original publisher's blind-tooled blue cloth, lettered in gilt. Slight wear and to odd spot of soiling, spine sunned. Offsetting to title, sporadic foxing. From the Raglan family library of Cefntilla Court, with the recent armorial bookplate of the estate, and the earlier bookplate of Lord Raglan to FEP. Presentation copy, with ... More >
£ 250.00
Antiquates Ref. 13101
Chapman and Hall, 1843.
First edition.
[8], 532pp. With a half-title. Original publisher's brown blind-tooled cloth, gilt. Some rubbing and soiling to extremities, corners bumped. Hinges cracked, occasional spots of foxing, recent bookplate of Cefntilla to FEP, with the earlier bookplate of Lord Raglan to same. Inscribed in ink to recto of FFEP, 'Richard Henry Fitzroy Somerset, from his affectionate sister Kathy, December 28th 1843'. More >
£ 100.00
Antiquates Ref. 13077
Printed for J. Walter, 1795.
First edition.
68pp. Recent marbled papers boards, red morocco lettering piece to upper board. Very minor wear to extremities. Contemporary ink annotation and inscription of 'Ralph Creyke' to title, small hole to bottom margin of C3, just clipping text but with no loss of sense. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 11814
Hurst and Blackett, 1884.
First edition.
In two volumes. xv, [1], 363; viii, 365pp. With a half-title to each volume and an engraved portrait frontispiece to volume I. Original publisher's red cloth, gilt. Slight rubbing and soiling to extremities, spines sunned. Recent armorial bookplate of Cefntilla to FEP of each volume. More >
£ 150.00
Antiquates Ref. 13286
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., c.1890.
Forty-second edition.
419pp, [1]. With a half-title, an illustrated frontispiece, and plates. Original publisher's maroon cloth, gilt. Light rubbing to sunned spine, slight soiling to boards. Upper hinge split with board working loose, leaves a trifle toned, recent armorial bookplate to FEP of Cefntilla, family seat of the Raglan baronetcy. More >
£ 50.00
Antiquates Ref. 13631
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., c.1905.
Second edition.
472pp. Original publisher's green cloth, gilt. Slight wear to extremities, spine a trifle sunned. Internally clean and crisp, recent armorial bookplate to FEP of Cefntilla, family seat of the Raglan baronetcy. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 13632
Methuen & Co., 1897.
First edition.
x, 426, 48pp publisher's catalogue. With a half-title, photographic portrait frontispiece, and 32 monochrome plates of maps, plans, and illustrations. Original publisher's gilt-tooled red cloth. Extremities a trifle soiled, spine sunned. Internally clean and crisp but for foxing to blank endpapers and publisher's catalogue, recent armorial bookplate to FEP of Cefntilla, family seat of the Raglan baronetcy. More >
£ 75.00
Antiquates Ref. 13630
A. D. Innes & Co., 1897.
First edition.
xii, 312pp, [8] ads. With half-title. Original publisher's red cloth, lettered in gilt. Some rubbing to extremities, spine sunned, corners bumped. Recent bookplate of Cefntilla to FEP, occasional spots of foxing, overall internally clean and crisp. More >
£ 175.00
Antiquates Ref. 13071